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#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-06-01 10:27:55 IP:210.68.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
目的: 協助解決下面問題 http://delphi.ktop.com.tw/topic.php?TOPIC_ID=50887 http://delphi.ktop.com.tw/topic.php?topic_id=34556    解決方法: 1. Download teechart components (D5/D6/D7版本) http://www.steema.com/download/TeeChart_v4/Tee4forQuickReport.htm 建議unzip的檔案放在Delphi目錄下, 並且要設library path 此方法參考 http://www.qbssoftware.com/product_info.asp?Current=FAQTEXT&product=QUICKREP&FAQ_ID=7727        2.設定完後,就可以用了(Delphi6+ quickreport 3.62) package從 TeeChar for QuickReport Components 變成 TeeChart5 for QuickReport    3.設定步驟如下: 參考install.txt如下, 後面加上小弟的經驗分享    
Steema SL    1) TeeChart v4 VCL STANDARD (Delphi 6)
2) TroubleShooting        1) TeeChart v4 VCL STANDARD (Delphi 6)
Installing QuickReport TQRChart source code
============================================    Depending on which QuickReport version you have
installed on your machine, you might need to 
manually recompile a small package for the QRChart
component to use the same QuickReport version you have.
上面的意思是說, 每次您重新安裝QuickReport元件, 您就必須手動recomplile TeeChart for QuickRpeort元件.
非常不friendly    This allows you to install TeeChart with any
past or future QuickReport version.    Recompilation is easy.  ??? 一點都不簡單, 非常繁瑣
----------------------    Warning: 
 Check first you have QuickReport installed !
 Visit QuickReport web site at www.qusoft.no for
廢話耶, 沒有安裝QuickReport當然不會安裝Teechart for QuickReport~    Installation Steps:安裝步驟
====================    1) Open Delphi 6.    2) Go to the "Component->Install packages" and remove the DclQRT60.bpl package 
   from the list (the "Remove" button). 
   將TeeChart for QuickRpeort Components 移除, 小弟的版本是DclTQR60.bpl,懷疑上面是錯字~     3) Close Delphi 6.    4) Delete all old TQRChart component files : teeqr.dcp, DclTQR.dcp, TeeQr.dcu, 
   DclTQR.dcu, qrtee.dcu, qrteereg.dcu, TeeQR.res from the Delphi6\Lib folder.
   Delete TeeQR60.bpl from Windows \System\ (or \System32\) folder. 
   Delete DclTQR60.bpl file from Delphi6\Bin\ folder.
   記得砍仔細喔~, 小弟用檔案搜尋一個一個砍 
5) Open Delphi 6.    6) Next, close all projects. Then go to the "File->Open project" menu and pick 
   the the TeeQR.dpk package.    7) Now click the "Compile" button. The package should compile fine. If you receive errors, 
   see "TroubleShooting" below. Tools->Environment Options-> Library 記得設一下此目錄    8) Open ("File->Open project" menu) the DclTQR.dpk package.    9) Now click the "Compile" button. The package should compile fine. If you receive errors, 
   see "TroubleShooting" below.    10) Copy the compiled packages (most probably they were compiled to Delphi6\Projects\BPL 
    directory):        - TeeQR60.bpl to Windows\System (or WinNT\System32) directory
    - DclTQR60.bpl to Delphi6\Bin directory
    - TeeQR.dcp to Delphi6\Lib directory
    - DclTQR.dcp to Delphi6\Lib directory
    - QRTeeReg.dcu, QRTee.dcu, TeeQR.dcu and DclTQR.dcu to 
      Delphi6\Lib directory
    - all *.res files to Delphi6\Lib directory
    上面檔案慢慢Copy喔~    11) Go to the "Component->Install packages" press the "Add" button and pick the DclTQR60.bpl 
   package (located in Delphi6\Bin directory - if you followed previous steps. This should 
   install the QRChart component at QReport component palette.
   小弟這個步驟失敗, 出現run-time packages can't add ...
   後來小弟採用步驟9, compile DclTQR.dpk後, 再按下 install 按鈕..TeeChart for QuickReport圖示就出來了
       12) Remember to check the "Project->Options->Packages" dialog. The new package name should 
    be listed at the bottom edit-box.    13) IMPORTANT: Don't forget to copy all newly recompiled *.dcu files (from the dirctory where 
    you keep the files TeeQR.dpk and DclTQR.dpk) to Delphi6\Lib directory.
    記得所有產生的*.dcu都要copy到Delphi6\Lib     ---------------------------------------------------------------    2) TroubleShooting:
-------------------      Most common causes for installation problems are:       -missing files          When Delphi compile this package, they try
     to find the TeeChart Pro 4 and QuickReport units, either
     in source code (*.pas) or compiled (*.dcu, *.obj, *.lib
     and *.bpi) format.         Check you have the correct paths to all units at 
     "Environment -> Options" dialogs.    -----------------------------------------------------------------    
發表人 - yachanga 於 2004/06/01 10:30:57
系統時間:2024-07-07 1:29:05
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