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Enumdisk Sample for Enumerating Disk Devices



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-03-01 23:54:49 IP:218.175.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
因為此篇 所以po上卡好記 ms的資料 http://delphi.ktop.com.tw/topic.php?TOPIC_ID=65641 http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;Q264203 SUMMARY Win32 applications can use the SetupDi APIs to enumerate all of the devices that are available in the system. The Enumdisk1.exe sample demonstrates this technique by enumerating all the disk devices regardless of the disk type. The sample also obtains a handle to the device to send IOCTL commands to get the adapter and device properties. Further, this communicates to the device by sending a small computer system interface (SCSI) pass-through command to get the Inquiry data. MORE INFORMATION The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download Center: Download Enumdisk1.exe now Release Date: Sept. 21, 2000 For additional information about how to download Microsoft Support files, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services Microsoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most current virus-detection software that was available on the date that the file was posted. The file is stored on security-enhanced servers that help to prevent any unauthorized changes to the file. The Enumdisk1.exe file contains the following files: File Description -------------------------- Enumdisk.c Implements the Win32 application to enumerate the disk devices. Enumdisk.h Header file for Enumdisk.c Sources DDK build instructions Enumdisk.htm The documentation for these samples (this file) Enumdisk.exe Windows 2000 executable program (Free build) Device Enumeration The Enumdisk1.exe sample uses the Setup class GUID_DEVCLASS_DISKDRIVE globally unique identifier (GUID) to enumerate all the disk devices that are installed in the system. The sample then obtains the Device ID by getting the Registry properties. The handle to the device is needed to send IOCTLs from a Win32 application. The device handle can be obtained by opening the device with the device interface name. The disk class driver exposes this interface by registering the device interface. It uses the DiskClassGuid interface GUID for device registration. A Win32 application can obtain this interface name by using the SetupDi APIs with the same interface GUID. By performing this in a loop, all the registered disk interfaces can be obtained. Because this value is obtained from the disk class driver, this technique works for all types of disk devices, such as SCSI, Integrated Device Electronics (IDE), Universal Serial Bus (USB), and Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1394. Device Properties IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY can be used to get the adapter and device properties, respectively. This IOCTL takes the STORAGE_PROPERTY_QUERY data structure as an argument. Before calling this IOCTL, the STORAGE_PROPERTY_ID and STORAGE_QUERY_TYPE members must be set accordingly. The STORAGE_PROPERTY_ID can be set to either StorageAdapterProperty or StorageDeviceProperty, and it determines the property to be returned. This data structure and its member values are defined in \Ntddk\Src\Ntddstor.h. Calling this StorageAdapterProperty IOCTL returns the STORAGE_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTOR data structure, which contains such adapter properties as the Bus Type, Maximum Transfer Length, Alignment Mask, and so on. StorageDeviceProperty returns the STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR data structure, which contains the Device Type, Vendor ID, Product ID, and so on. This information is obtained from the respective port driver. Refer to the Windows 2000 DDK documentation for more information about this IOCTL and data structures. SCSI Pass-Through Interface The device handle obtained in this way can also be used to send SCSI pass-through commands to the device. The sample sends the Inquiry command to the device to get the Inquiry data. Refer to the SPTI sample, which is available in the Windows 2000 DDK, for more information on the SCSI pass-through interface. Building the Sample Click the Free Build Environment or Checked Build Environment icon under the Development Kits program group to set the basic environment variables that are needed by the Build utility. Change to the folder that contains the device source code, for example: cd c:\enumdisk Run the Build utility by typing build -cz, or use the BLD macro. This method invokes the Microsoft make routines that produce log files named Buildxxx.log, Buildxxx.wrn, and Buildxxx.err if there are any warnings or errors. Note that xxx stands for "fre" or "chk" depending on the environment chosen. If the build succeeds, the executable Enumdisk.exe file is placed in a platform-specific subfolder of your %TargetPath% folder that is specified in the Sources file. Running the Enumdisk1.exe Sample This sample does not require any arguments. Run the sample from a command-prompt window; all the disk device properties will be listed. REFERENCES Microsoft Windows 2000 Driver Development Kit
系統時間:2024-07-06 1:17:48
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