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Registry Medic v3.0



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http://www.iomatic.com/ Welcome to Iomatic - multimedia and utility software products Registry Medic v3.0 New Version 3.0 - more control, new features, and a new look. Fix your registry & improve your PC's performance! Is your system becoming increasingly slow and unstable? If so, you need a professional registry cleaner and repair tool – Registry Medic is the answer! SpyCatcher 3.5 wipes out thousands of spyware, adware, trojans and other threats. It also blocks reinstallation, protects you from phishing scams, and even updates automatically to provide up-to-date defense from the growing threat of spyware Special Release Price $19.95 Limited time only With the click of your mouse you can change your computer into a gaming machine! Game optimizer pro will improve your gaming experience on any machine, new or old BitCleaner easily removes internet history, unwanted files and any other personal information that your computer has stored. New Version 2 offers a Back-up to file option allowing you to Back-up frequently used information. New Version 3.0! Your hard drive is full of redundant, obsolete, and temporary files. Disk Medic cleans it up for you, quickly and efficiently. NOW WITH DOZENS OF NEW PLUG-INS!! What is Ram? RAM Stands for "Random Access Memory". The more RAM a computer has, the more data a computer can manipulate. RAM Medic allows you to free up memory giving you more RAM and better performance.
系統時間:2024-07-06 1:29:39
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