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#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2003-03-16 10:21:36 IP:211.76.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
http://dybdahl.dk/dxgettext/ Why you should choose GNU Gettext for Delphi Can be used for commercial, closed sourced, proprietary applications at no cost. Free. Easy deployment. Full source. Very good return of investment when convertering from Delphi ITE. No DLLs required and no DLLs involved. You can even embed the translations in the .exe file, so that your entire application deployment only consists of a single .exe file. Well proven technology - has been used to localize thousands of applications. The translator can see the translated program in action before returning the translation to the programmer. Translator only needs Notepad, no additional software required Programmer can write comments for the translator Share translations between applications, reuse as much as you can from previous translations, and make computerized translations based on online dictionaries. Works with and without resourcestring keyword Much smaller files than the ones produced by Borland's Integrated Translation Environment. If you should run your program with old versions of the translation files, it still works (unlike the Delphi ITE system). Very good translations tools for those who don't like notepad: KBabel, POEdit. And they're free, too. Change language at runtime. Several languages at the same time if needed (imagine a localized invoice system that can send invoices in multiple languages that are different from the GUI language) Full Unicode support on Delphi 6 and later, without depending on the Microsoft Unicode layer Full support for Kylix 3, Delphi 6 and later. Delphi 5 is supported where possible. Fully compatible with WINE Scriptable Tools to convert your existing translations from the Delphi ITE - you do not have to translate it all again. Limitations Automatic resourcestring translation doesn't work on Linux. It works perfectly on Windows. Full functionality requires the untranslated program to be in English. This is because of character set issues. ======================= 二星級新手,問基礎問題請勿見笑 ^^
系統時間:2024-07-06 2:33:50
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