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#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-01-30 21:14:16 IP:221.124.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
以下是我今年學校的project, 請問大大, 有什麼地方可以找到以下的資料. 感謝大大的幫忙. General title: New Interfaces for Musical Expression 1) A gesture based musical instrument interface Rather than using a conventional piano-style keyboard to produce sound a mouse is used to create live sound using gesture input 2) An algorithmic ambient sound device An artificial life algorithm is used to generate ambient sound based on a set of user defined parameters such as processor load, typing, network load, time of day, weather, etc. 3) An algorithmic beat accompanist An algorithm is developed which can accompany a user playing a piece of music using a conventional keyboard style interface. The algorithm produces appropriate rhythms in real time e.g. using markov chains. 4) An algorithmic soloist An algorithm listens to what a user plays and then produces a solo piece to fit with the user's piece e.g. using markov chains. 5) A swarm based algorithm Swarm algorithms are linked together to create a music playing algorithm which may, or may not, additionally take user input. 6) A collaborative jam environment A tool is constructed based on a client-server model where clients each have a replicated loop of music which users interact with. User interactions are shared with other clients so producing a semi-synchronous shared music experience. 7) An image to music converter An algorithm takes a still image and produces a piece of music based somehow on the properties of the image. 8) A video to music converter An algorithm takes a live moving image as its input and produced some musical output based on the video (e.g. from a webcam). 9) A music masher An algorithm takes two musical sound files and produces one musical output which is somehow the combination of the two (e.g. using the beat from one and the melody from another) 10) A novel music learning environment A user interface is developed which teaches music in a non-conventional manner - that is, without the use of score and note representation. E.g. by analogy with colour mixing. 11) A novel composition environment A user interface is developed which allows composition of music in a non-conventional manner - that is, without the use of score and note representation. E.g. by analogy with colour mixing and painting. 12) An ambient sound space An algorithm collects sounds from an environment (e.g. through microphones) and uses them to produce continuous music for the environment. Typical tools will be: Java and MIDI.
系統時間:2024-07-04 2:23:19
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