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Require HELP in DELPHI!!



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-10-16 22:36:50 IP:202.180.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
I'm bad in writing codes, could anyone help me please?    The program will input a set of dates of birth for various people, and will calculate the age of each person on a date specified by the user. Input will be from a text file. Each line of the file will contain data about 1 person. a. The data file contains a list of people with their dates of birth. The format of each line is: , , , , where i. and identify the person ii. , and give the person's date of birth iii. The commas separate the fields. b. A sample data file is provided. It is without error, and the program must read it without problem. c. The program will be expected to open other data files which conform to this structure, and should not have to be restarted to do so. Only the first 100 lines in a file need to be read. d. The program must provide a means for the user to enter any valid date which occurs on or after January 1, 1900. e. The display must show the name of each person in the data file along with their date of birth and age on the date entered by the user (as in d above). The age must be displayed as years and days (eg 23 years, 173 days). If the date of birth is after the user specified date, an appropriate message should be displayed (e.g. "… Not Born yet!"). f. The age calculation MUST take into account leap years. g. If the user changes the entered date, it must be possible to redisplay the information (defined in e above) using the new date. The file must NOT be read again to achieve this. Askew, Sally, 22, 4, 1950 Bloggs, Joe, 27,11,1965 Davis, Susan, 3, 1, 1973 Harris, Alex, 15,12,1954 Merton, Judy, 11,11,1942 Hettie, Norwood, 23,2, 2005 This is so far I had written Mofile:1241230410014590 http://pickup.mofile.com/1241230410014590 Please, I need it before Wednesday!!!


#2 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-10-17 04:22:46 IP:219.88.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
I can tell you come from New Zealand, and using Delphi perhaps you are studying BCIS programming 1 in AUT? I passed that course, heehee, but if this is your assignment you might want to give it a try first, if you still can't get it, then talk to me on MSN: ttml22@hotmail.com
系統時間:2024-07-07 3:38:11
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