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有關資料庫 SQL 與 functional dependencis, lossless join

little girl


#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-05-12 13:36:52 IP:203.68.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
請各位高手救救我吧 小女子不勝感激阿 A. Given universal schema R(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I} and a set of functional dependencies as follows: AB ->? CD A ->? E B ->? FH C ->? G D ->? B G ->? C H ->? I a. What is the key for the universal schema R? b. What is the highest normal form of the universal schema R? Please explain. c. If the universal schema R is not in 3NF (the third normal form), please make lossless join decomposition of schema R into a set of 3NF schemas with the property of functional dependency preservation. d. List all the keys (include candidate keys) in all the schemas (tables) achieved in c. e. List all the foreign keys in each schema (table) if any. () f. Prove that the decomposition in c. is lossless join decomposition. g. Is the decomposition you have created a BCNF decomposition? (That is, is each of the schemas (tables) achieved in c. in BCNF? B. Given the database schema on the relation as follows: LANCAP(NAME, LANGUAGE) The schema specifies the languages a person speaks. The data set is given as follows: LANCAP table data ----------------- NAME LANGUAGE ---------------- Brenda French Brenda English Brenda Spanish Joe English Kent English Lujack French Lujack German Lujack English Lujack Spanish Mary German Mary English Mary French Melanie French Melanie English Richard German Richard Spanish Richard English Richard French 1. Please give the results for each of the following queries based on the given data table a. List the language(s) that is(are) spoken by everyone. b. List the person (people) who only speaks (speak) English. c. List the person (people) who speaks (speak) all of the languages Brenda speaks. 2. Please write the following queries in SQL. (You are not supposed to use any aggregation functions such as count(), sum(), etc.; you are assumed that you do not know what languages people speak in the database table when you query the database table; you are assumed that you do not know anyone’s name in the database table unless you are explicitly told in a given query; you are assumed that you do not know what languages Brenda speaks when you query the database table). a. List the language(s) that is(are) spoken by everyone. b. List the person (people) who only speaks (speak) English. c. List the person (people) who speaks (speak) all of the languages Brenda speaks.
系統時間:2024-10-06 19:55:47
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