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Delphi.NET previewed at SD West



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2003-05-15 19:06:24 IP:61.221.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
此為轉貼資料 Delphi.NET previewed at SD West     http://www.cx66.com/cxgzs/program/delphi/992.htm ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 作者:   評價:   上站日期: 2002-05-30    內容說明:    來源:            Delphi.NET previewed at SD West - by Anders Ohlsson    Abstract:Borland also received the coolest award ever - Jolt Hall of Fame!    At SD West in San Jose (last week), Borland Software Corporation got inducted into the Jolt Hall of Fame for its outstanding products and commitment to developers all around the globe! Simon Thornhill, Vice President & General Manager of the RAD business unit, was there to accept the award. Delphi 6, Kylix 2 and JBuilder 6 all received Jolt productity awards in the "Languages and Development Enviroments" category. See CMP Media's press release for more details.          Simon Thornhill accepts the Jolt Hall of Fame award. Lots of happy customers attended our booth. We owned the show simply because people craved our bags to put all their stuff in - nobody else had any bags (we rule!). Our CDs and T-shirts were of course a huge success as always. Only the necessities - beer, pretzel and Borland software! Need a bag for that? Kim Miller is making sure the marketing material looks good. The most interesting piece of technology that everybody asked about was of course - what are we doing about .NET? Take a look at the images and let your imagination run wild... ;-) For a lot more information about our upcoming .NET support, please check our .NET Strategy page. This preview was also shown at Microsoft TechEd - see press release. Delphi.NET preview... What's on the screen here? Well, there's Delphi source code (ConvertIt.dpr) on the left hand side, then the half second compile is shown in the command prompt in the upper right corner, in the middle and in the bottom left corner, the application is viewed in Reflector showing that it's a pure .NET application. The small window slightly below the top right corner shows the application running. ********************************************************* 哈哈&兵燹 最會的2大絕招 這個不會與那個也不會 哈哈哈 粉好 Delphi K.Top的K.Top分兩個字解釋Top代表尖端的意思,希望本討論區能提供Delphi的尖端新知 K.表Knowlege 知識,就是本站的標語:Open our mind to make knowledge together! 希望能大家敞開心胸,將知識寶庫結合一起
最會的2大絕招 這個不會與那個也不會 哈哈哈 粉好

Delphi K.Top的K.Top分兩個字解釋Top代表尖端的意思,希望本討論區能提供Delphi的尖端新知
K.表Knowlege 知識,就是本站的標語:Open our mind
系統時間:2024-10-01 17:32:56
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