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[轉貼]選擇與反饋 (OpenGL)



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選擇與反饋 (OpenGL)

章節目標 讀完此章之后,你將能夠做到: 建立允許用戶選擇(select)屏幕區域或拾取(pick)繪制在屏幕上的物體的應用程序 利用OpenGL的反饋(feedback)模式獲取絢染計算結果 有些圖形應用程序只繪制兩維和三維物體構成的靜態圖形,另一些允許用戶識別屏幕上的物體並移動、修改、刪除或用其它方法操縱這些物體。OpenGL正是設計用于支持這些交互式應用程序的。因為繪制在屏幕上的物體通常經過多次旋轉、移動和透視變換,所以確定用戶選中了三維場景中的哪個物體會很困難。為了幫助你,OpenGL提供了一個選取機制可惟自動告訴你哪個物體被繪制在窗口的提定區域里。你可以用這個機制與一個工具例程(a special utility routine)一道決定哪個物體在用戶說明或用光標選取的區域里。 選擇(selection)實際上是OpenGL的一個操作模式;反饋(feedback)是這類模式中的別一個。在反饋模式中,你用你的圖形硬件和OpenGL完成通常的絢染計算。但與用這個計算結果去在屏幕上繪制圖形相反,OpenGL返回(或反饋(feeds back))這些繪制信息給你。如果你想在繪圖儀而不是屏幕上繪制圖形,舉個例子,你就得在反饋模式繪制它們,收集繪制指令,然后將這些指令轉換為繪圖儀可以理解的命令。 在選擇和反饋模式中,繪制信息返回給應用程序而不是象在絢染模式中那樣送往幀緩衝。因此,當OpenGL處于選擇或反饋模式時,屏幕將被凍結-沒有圖形出現。這一章將會在各自的節中解釋這些模式: “選擇(Selection)” 討論怎樣使用選擇模式和相關的例程以使你程序的用戶能拾取畫在屏幕上的物體。 “反饋(Feedback)” 描述了怎樣獲取有關什麼將被畫在屏幕上的信息和這些信息是以什麼格式組織的。 --------------------------------------------------- Section 通常,當你打算使用OpenGL的選擇機制時,你首先把你的場景畫進幀緩衝,然后進入選擇模式並重新繪制這個場景。然而,一旦你進入了選擇模式,幀緩衝的內容將保存不變,直到你退出選擇模式。當你退出時,OpenGL返回一個圖元(premitives)清單,圖元可能被視見體(viewing volume)分割(記住,視見體是由當前模式視見和投影矩陣及你定義的所有裁剪面定義,裁剪面詳見"Additional Clipping Planes.")。每個被視見體圖元引出一資選擇命中(hit)。確切的說,圖元清單是作為一個取整數值的名字(integer-valued names)數組和相關的數據-命中記錄(hit record)-對應名字棧(name stack)的當前內容。當你在選擇模式下發布圖元繪制命令時向名字棧中加入名字就可建立起名字棧。這樣,當名字清單被返回后,你就可以用它來確定屏幕上的哪個圖元可能被用戶選中了。 除了這個選擇機制之外,OpenGL提供了一個工具例程,以便在某些情況下通過限定在視口(viewport)一個小區域內繪制來簡化選擇。通常你可以用這個例程決定哪個物體被畫在光標附近了,這樣你就能識別用戶拾取了哪個物體。你也可以通過指定附加的裁剪面來界定一個選擇區域;詳見"Additional Clipping Planes"。因為拾取是選擇的一個特殊情況,所以本章選講選擇,然后講拾取。 基本步驟 建立名字矩陣 命中記錄 一個選擇的例子 拾取 關于編寫使用選擇的程序的提示 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 基本步驟 為使用選擇機制,你得作以下幾步: 1、用glSelectBuffer()指定用于返回命中記錄的數組。 2、以GL_SELECT為參數調用glRenderMode()進入選擇模式。 3、用glInitName()和glPushName()初始化名字棧。 4、定義用于選擇的視見體。通常它與你原來用于繪制場景的視見體不同。因此你或許會想用glPushMatrix()和glPopMatrix()來保存和恢複當前的變換矩陣。 5、交替發布圖元繪制命令和名字棧控制命令,這樣每個感興趣的圖元都會被指定適當的名字。 6、退出選擇模式並處理返回的選擇數據(命中記錄)。 后面的段落將描述glSelectBuffer()和glRenderMode()。下一節則講解名字棧的控制。 void glSelectBuffer(GLsizei size, GLuint *buffer); 指定用于返回選擇數據的數組。參數buffer是指向無符號整數(unsigned integer)數組的指針,數據就存在這個數組中,size參數說明數組中最多能夠保存的值的個數。要在進入選擇模式之前調用glSelectBuffer()! GLint glRenderMode(GLenum mode); 控制應用程序是否進入絢染(rendering)、選擇或反饋模式。mode參數可以是GL_RENDER(默認)、GL_SELECT或GL_FEEDBACK之一。應用程序將保持處于給定模式,直到再次以不同的參數調用glRenderMode()。在進入選擇模式之前必須調用glSelectBuffer()指定選擇數組。類似的,進入反饋模式之前要調用glFeedbackBuffer()指定反饋數組。如果當前模式是GL_SELECT或GL_FEEDBACK之一,那麼glRenderMode()的返回值有意義。返回值是當前退出當前模式時,選擇命中數或放在反饋數組中的值的個數。(譯者注:調用此函數就會退出當前模式);負值意味著選擇或反饋數組溢出(overflowed)。你可以用GL_RENDER_MODE調用glGetIntegerv()獲取當前模式。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 建立名字矩陣 正如前面提到的,名字棧是返回給你的選擇信息的基礎。要建立名字棧,首先用glInitNames()初始化它,這將簡單地清空棧。然后當你發布相應的繪制命令時向其中加入整數名字。正如你可能想象,棧控制命令允許你壓入名字(glPushName()),彈出名字(glPopName()),替換棧頂的名字(glLoadName())。
Example 12-1: Creating a Name Stack
glPushName(-1);    glPushMatrix(); /* save the current transformation state */    /*to do: create your desired viewing volume here */    glLoadName(1);
drawJustOneMoreObject();    glPopMatrix (); /* restore the previous transformation state*/
void glInitNames(void);
void glPushName(GLuint name);
void glPopName(void);
void glLoadName(GLuint name);
用name取代名字棧棧頂的那個名字。如果棧是空的,剛調用過glInitName()后就是這樣,glLoadName()生成一個GL_INVALID_OPRATION錯。為避免這種情況,如果棧初始時是空的,那麼在調用glLoadName()之前至少調用一次glPushName()以在名字棧中放上點東西。 如果不是在選擇模式下,對glPushName()、glPopName()、glLoadName()的調用將被忽略。這使得在選擇模式和正常的絢染模式下用相同的繪制代碼大為簡化。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 命中記錄 在選擇模式下,被視見體裁剪的每個圖元引起一個選擇命中。當前一個名字棧控制命令被執行或glRenderMode()被調用后,OpenGL將一個命中記錄寫進選擇數組,如果從上一次名字棧操縱或glRenderMode()調用以來有了一個命中記錄的話。這個過程中,共用同樣名字的物體-例如:由多個圖元組成的物體-不生成多個命中記錄。當然,命中記錄不保証會被寫進數組中直到glRenderMode()被調用。 除圖元之外,glRasterPos()產生的有效坐標也可以引起選擇命中。在多邊形的情況下,如果它已經被消隱掉的話不會有命中記錄出現。 每個命中記錄由四項組成,依次是: 當命中出現時名字棧中的名字數 至上次記錄的命中以來,被視見體裁剪后的圖元的所有頂點的窗口Z坐標的 最大和最小值 本次命中時名字棧的內容,最底元素最前。 當前你進入選擇模式時,OpenGL初始化一個指針指向選擇數組的起點。每寫入一個命中記錄,指針相應更新。如果寫入一個命中記錄會使數組中值的個數超過glSelectBuffer()的size參數時,OpenGL會寫入盡可能多的記錄並設置一個溢出標志。當用glRenderMode()退出選擇模式時,這條命令返回被寫入的記錄的個數(包括一條部分記錄如果有的話),清除名字棧,複位溢出標識,重置棧指針。如設定溢了出標識則返回值是-1。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一個選擇的例子 在Example 12-2中,4個三角形(綠、紅、兩個黃)在選擇模式下繪制,相應的命中記錄被處理。第一個三角形生成一個命中,第二個不,第三第四個共同生成一個命中。定義了兩個例程:繪制三角形(drawTriangle()),繪制一個表示視見體的線框的盒子。processHits()例程打印出選擇數組。最后,selectObjects()在選擇模式下繪制三角形以生成命中記錄。
Example 12-2 : A Selection Example: select.c    #include 
#include "aux.h"    void drawTriangle (GLfloat x1, GLfloat y1, GLfloat x2,
GLfloat y2, GLfloat x3, GLfloat y3, GLfloat z)
glVertex3f (x1, y1, z);
glVertex3f (x2, y2, z);
glVertex3f (x3, y3, z);
glEnd ();
}    void drawViewVolume (GLfloat x1, GLfloat x2, GLfloat y1,
GLfloat y2, GLfloat z1, GLfloat z2)
glColor3f (1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
glVertex3f (x1, y1, -z1);
glVertex3f (x2, y1, -z1);
glVertex3f (x2, y2, -z1);
glVertex3f (x1, y2, -z1);
glEnd ();    glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
glVertex3f (x1, y1, -z2);
glVertex3f (x2, y1, -z2);
glVertex3f (x2, y2, -z2);
glVertex3f (x1, y2, -z2);
glEnd ();    glBegin (GL_LINES); /* 4 lines */
glVertex3f (x1, y1, -z1);
glVertex3f (x1, y1, -z2);
glVertex3f (x1, y2, -z1);
glVertex3f (x1, y2, -z2);
glVertex3f (x2, y1, -z1);
glVertex3f (x2, y1, -z2);
glVertex3f (x2, y2, -z1);
glVertex3f (x2, y2, -z2);
glEnd ();
}    void drawScene (void)
glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
glLoadIdentity ();
gluPerspective (40.0, 4.0/3.0, 0.01, 100.0);    glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
glLoadIdentity ();
gluLookAt (7.5, 7.5, 12.5, 2.5, 2.5, -5.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glColor3f (0.0, 1.0, 0.0); /* green triangle */
drawTriangle (2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, -5.0);
glColor3f (1.0, 0.0, 0.0); /* red triangle */
drawTriangle (2.0, 7.0, 3.0, 7.0, 2.5, 8.0, -5.0);
glColor3f (1.0, 1.0, 0.0); /* yellow triangles */
drawTriangle (2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 0.0);
drawTriangle (2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, -10.0);
drawViewVolume (0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 10.0);
}    void processHits (GLint hits, GLuint buffer[])
unsigned int i, j;
GLuint names, *ptr;    printf ("hits = %d\n", hits);
ptr = (GLuint *) buffer;
for (i = 0; i < hits; i  ) { /* for each hit */
names = *ptr;
printf(" number of names for hit = %d\n", names); ptr  ;
printf (" z1 is %u;", *ptr); ptr  ;
printf (" z2 is %u\n", *ptr); ptr  ;
printf (" the name is ");
for (j = 0; j < names; j  ) { /* for each name */
printf ("%d ", *ptr); ptr  ;
printf ("\n");
}    #define BUFSIZE 512    void selectObjects(void)
GLuint selectBuf[BUFSIZE];
GLint hits, viewport[4];    glSelectBuffer (BUFSIZE, selectBuf);
(void) glRenderMode (GL_SELECT);    glInitNames();
glPushName(-1);    glPushMatrix ();
glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
glLoadIdentity ();
glOrtho (0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 10.0);
glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
glLoadIdentity ();
drawTriangle (2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, -5.0);
drawTriangle (2.0, 7.0, 3.0, 7.0, 2.5, 8.0, -5.0);
drawTriangle (2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 0.0);
drawTriangle (2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, -10.0);
glPopMatrix ();
glFlush ();    hits = glRenderMode (GL_RENDER);
processHits (hits, selectBuf);
}    void myinit (void)
}    void display(void)
glClearColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
drawScene ();
selectObjects ();
}    int main(int argc, char** argv)
auxInitDisplayMode (AUX_SINGLE | AUX_RGBA | AUX_DEPTH);
auxInitPosition (0, 0, 200, 200);
auxInitWindow (argv[0]);
myinit ();
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 拾取 作為前一節所描述的處理過程的一個擴展,你可以用選擇模式確定物體是否被拾取了。要做到這一點,用一個與投影矩陣相關聯的拾取矩陣將繪制限制在視口的一個很小的區域里,通常是在光標附近。然后允許某種形式的輸入,如點擊鼠標的一個鍵,引發選擇模式的初始化。建立起選擇模式並使用特定的拾取矩陣,繪制在光標附近的物體引發選擇命中。即,通常在拾取的時候確定哪個物體被畫在光標附近了。 拾取的建立幾乎與正規的選擇模式完全一樣,只有以下的主要區別: 拾取通常由某個輸入設備觸發。在下面的例子中,按鼠標左鍵運行實現拾取的函數。 用例程gluPickMatrix()將一個特殊的投影矩陣乘到當前矩陣上。它要在把投影矩陣乘到棧上之前調用。 另外,實現拾取的完全不同的方法在"Object Selection Using the Back Buffer"里有所描述。這一技術使用顏色值標識物體的不同部件。
void gluPickMatrix(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble width, GLdouble height, GLint viewport[4]);
建立一個投影矩陣用于將繪制限制在視口的一個小區域里,並將這個矩陣乘到當前矩陣棧上。拾取區域的中心是窗口坐標(x,y)處,通常是光標位置。width和height定義選取區域大小,用屏幕坐標。(你可以認為寬和高是設備第三的)。viewport[]表明當前視口邊界,這可以用調用glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT,GLint *viewport);獲得。 深入 gluPickMatrix()建立的矩陣的淨結果(net result)是將裁剪區域變換到單位立方體-1&1e;(x,y,z)&1e;1(或-w&1e;(wx,wy,wz)&1e;w)。拾取矩陣實際上提供了一個正交變換將這個單位立方體的一個子區域映射到單位立方體。因為變換是任意的,你可以讓拾取為不同類型的領域工作-如,用于旋轉窗口的矩形區域。在某些情況下,你會發覺用附加的裁剪平面定義拾取區域要容易些。 Example 12-3演示了一個簡單的選取。它也演示了怎樣用多個名字標識同一圖元的不同部件,在這里行和列是一個被選物體。一個3X3矩陣被畫出來,每個廣場有不同的顏色。數組board[3][3]維護每個塊的當前點擊總數。當前鼠標左鍵被按下,pickSquares()例子被調用來識別哪個方塊被鼠標拾取了。在網格中兩個名字標識一個方塊-一個表示行、一個表示列。當鼠標左鍵被按下,光標位置下的所有方塊的顏色也會改變。
Example 12-3 : A Picking Example: picksquare.c    #include 
#include "aux.h"    int board[3][3]; /* amount of color for each square */    /* Clear color value for every square on the board */
void myinit(void)
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i  )
for (j = 0; j < 3; j   )
board[i][j] = 0;
glClearColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
}    void drawSquares(GLenum mode)
GLuint i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i  ) {
if (mode == GL_SELECT)
glLoadName (i);
for (j = 0; j < 3; j   ) {
if (mode == GL_SELECT)
glPushName (j);
glColor3f ((GLfloat) i/3.0, (GLfloat) j/3.0,
(GLfloat) board[i][j]/3.0);
glRecti (i, j, i 1, j 1);
if (mode == GL_SELECT)
glPopName ();
}    void processHits (GLint hits, GLuint buffer[])
unsigned int i, j;
GLuint ii, jj, names, *ptr;    printf ("hits = %d\n", hits);
ptr = (GLuint *) buffer;
for (i = 0; i < hits; i  ) { /* for each hit */
names = *ptr;
printf (" number of names for this hit = %d\n", names);
ptr  ;
printf (" z1 is %u;", *ptr); ptr  ;
printf (" z2 is %u\n", *ptr); ptr  ;
printf (" names are ");
for (j = 0; j < names; j  ) { /* for each name */
printf ("%d ", *ptr);
if (j == 0) /* set row and column */
ii = *ptr;
else if (j == 1)
jj = *ptr;
ptr  ;
printf ("\n");
board[ii][jj] = (board[ii][jj]   1) % 3;
}    #define BUFSIZE 512    void pickSquares(AUX_EVENTREC *event)
GLuint selectBuf[BUFSIZE];
GLint hits;
GLint viewport[4];
int x, y;    x = event->data[AUX_MOUSEX];
y = event->data[AUX_MOUSEY];
glGetIntegerv (GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);    glSelectBuffer (BUFSIZE, selectBuf);
(void) glRenderMode (GL_SELECT);    glInitNames();
glPushName(-1);    glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
glPushMatrix ();
glLoadIdentity ();
/* create 5x5 pixel picking region near cursor location */
gluPickMatrix((GLdouble) x,
(GLdouble) (viewport[3] - y), 5.0, 5.0, viewport);
gluOrtho2D (0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 3.0);
drawSquares (GL_SELECT);
glPopMatrix ();
glFlush ();    hits = glRenderMode (GL_RENDER);
processHits (hits, selectBuf);
}    void display(void)
drawSquares (GL_RENDER);
}    void myReshape(GLsizei w, GLsizei h)
glViewport(0, 0, w, h);
gluOrtho2D (0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 3.0);
}    int main(int argc, char** argv)
auxInitDisplayMode (AUX_SINGLE | AUX_RGBA);
auxInitPosition (0, 0, 100, 100);
auxInitWindow (argv[0]);
myinit ();
auxMouseFunc (AUX_LEFTBUTTON, AUX_MOUSEDOWN, pickSquares);
auxReshapeFunc (myReshape);
Picking with Multiple Names and a Hierarchical Model Multiple names can also be used to choose parts of a hierarchical object in a scene. For example, if you were rendering an assembly line of automobiles, you might want the user to move the mouse to pick the third bolt on the left front tire of the third car in line. A different name can be used to identify each level of hierarchy: which car, which tire, and finally which bolt. As another example, one name can be used to describe a single molecule among other molecules, and additional names can differentiate individual atoms within that molecule. Example 12-4 is a modification of Example 3-4 that draws an automobile with four identical wheels, each of which has five identical bolts. Code has been added to manipulate the name stack with the object hierarchy.
Example 12-4 : Creating Multiple Names    draw_wheel_and_bolts()
long i;    draw_wheel_body();
for (i = 0; i < 5; i  ) {
glRotate(72.0*i, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
glTranslatef(3.0, 0.0, 0.0);
}    draw_body_and_wheel_and_bolts()
glTranslate(40, 0, 20); /* first wheel position*/
glPushName(1); /* name of wheel number 1 */
glTranslate(40, 0, -20); /* second wheel position */
glPushName(2); /* name of wheel number 2 */
glPopMatrix();    /* draw last two wheels similarly */
}    Example 12-5 uses the routines in Example 12-4 to draw three different cars, numbered 1, 2, and 3.    Example 12-5 : Using Multiple Names    draw_three_cars()
glPopMatrix();    glPushMatrix();
glPopMatrix();    glPushMatrix();
Assuming that picking is performed, the following are some possible name-stack return values and their interpretations. In
these examples, at most one hit record is returned; also, d1 and d2 are depth values.    empty The pick was outside all cars    2 d1d2 2 1 Car 2, wheel 1    1 d1d2 3 Car 3 body    3 d1d2 1 1 0 Bolt 0 on wheel 1 on car 1    The last interpretation assumes that the bolt and wheel don't occupy the same picking region. A user might well pick both the
wheel and the bolt, yielding two hits. If you receive multiple hits, you have to decide which hit to process, perhaps by using the
depth values to determine which picked object is closest to the viewpoint. The use of depth values is explored further in the
next section.    Picking and Depth Values    Example 12-6 demonstrates how to use depth values when picking to determine which object is picked. This program draws
three overlapping rectangles in normal rendering mode. When the left mouse button is pressed, the pickRects() routine is
called. This routine returns the cursor position, enters selection mode, initializes the name stack, and multiplies the picking
matrix onto the stack before the orthographic projection matrix. A selection hit occurs for each rectangle the cursor is over
when the left mouse button is clicked. Finally, the contents of the selection buffer is examined to identify which named objects
were within the picking region near the cursor.    The rectangles in this program are drawn at different depth, or z, values. Since only one name is used to identify all three
rectangles, only one hit can be recorded. However, if more than one rectangle is picked, that single hit has different minimum
and maximum z values.    Example 12-6 : Picking with Depth Values: pickdepth.c
#include "aux.h"    void myinit(void)
glClearColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
glDepthRange (0.0, 1.0); /* The default z mapping */
}    void drawRects(GLenum mode)
if (mode == GL_SELECT)
glLoadName (1);
glBegin (GL_QUADS);
glColor3f (1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glVertex3i (2, 0, 0);
glVertex3i (2, 6, 0);
glVertex3i (6, 6, 0);
glVertex3i (6, 0, 0);
glColor3f (0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
glVertex3i (3, 2, -1);
glVertex3i (3, 8, -1);
glVertex3i (8, 8, -1);
glVertex3i (8, 2, -1);
glColor3f (1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
glVertex3i (0, 2, -2);
glVertex3i (0, 7, -2);
glVertex3i (5, 7, -2);
glVertex3i (5, 2, -2);
glEnd ();
}    void processHits (GLint hits, GLuint buffer[])
unsigned int i, j;
GLuint names, *ptr;    printf ("hits = %d\n", hits);
ptr = (GLuint *) buffer;
for (i = 0; i < hits; i  ) { /* for each hit */
names = *ptr;
printf (" number of names for hit = %d\n", names);
ptr  ;
printf (" z1 is %u;", *ptr); ptr  ;
printf (" z2 is %u\n", *ptr); ptr  ;
printf (" the name is ");
for (j = 0; j < names; j  ) { /* for each name */
printf ("%d ", *ptr); ptr  ;
printf ("\n");
}    #define BUFSIZE 512    void pickRects(AUX_EVENTREC *event)
GLuint selectBuf[BUFSIZE];
GLint hits;
GLint viewport[4];
int x, y;    x = event->data[AUX_MOUSEX];
y = event->data[AUX_MOUSEY];
glGetIntegerv (GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);    glSelectBuffer (BUFSIZE, selectBuf);
(void) glRenderMode (GL_SELECT);    glInitNames();
glPushName(-1);    glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
glPushMatrix ();
glLoadIdentity ();
/* create 5x5 pixel picking region near cursor location */
gluPickMatrix ((GLdouble) x,
(GLdouble) (viewport[3] - y), 5.0, 5.0, viewport);
glOrtho (0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 2.0);
drawRects (GL_SELECT);
glPopMatrix ();
glFlush ();    hits = glRenderMode (GL_RENDER);
processHits (hits, selectBuf);
}    void display(void)
drawRects (GL_RENDER);
}    void myReshape(GLsizei w, GLsizei h)
glViewport(0, 0, w, h);
glOrtho (0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 2.0);
}    int main(int argc, char** argv)
auxInitDisplayMode (AUX_SINGLE | AUX_RGBA | AUX_DEPTH);
auxInitPosition (0, 0, 100, 100);
auxInitWindow (argv[0]);
myinit ();
auxMouseFunc (AUX_LEFTBUTTON, AUX_MOUSEDOWN, pickRects);
auxReshapeFunc (myReshape);
}    Try This    Try This    Modify Example 12-6 to add additional calls to glPushName() so that multiple names are on the stack when the
selection hit occurs. What will the contents of the selection buffer be?    By default, glDepthRange() sets the mapping of the z values to [0.0,1.0]. Try modifying the glDepthRange() values
and see how it affects the z values that are returned in the selection array.
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