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Icons and Bitmaps in the StatusBar



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Icons and Bitmaps in the StatusBar  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.hobbypages.net/snip13.html It's pretty common now to see glyphs and icons in the status window. Microsoft has even animated them in IExplorer 4.0. While this example won't get that deep, I will show you the code two ways. Loading an icon and bitmap from a TImageList, and calling one from a resource. One of the things I found was after the function to load the image, you must invalidate the status window, so Windows will repaint it. Here's an example of displaying a glyph in the StatusBar, to match an active MenuItem that's been selected (Menu - Format / Paragraph / Align Left) The glyph is stored in an ImageList component, index[5]. If you use a tool bar that's optionally displayed, you could store a glyph for every one, in the same order, so you can remmember which ones to call on. Don't forget to define the glyph's int symbol in the form's header (int SBImage;)

 void __fastcall TForm1::AlignLeft1Click(TObject *Sender)
 SBImage = 5; /* sets the glyph's int */
 StatusBar1->Invalidate(); /* causes the repaint */
 RichEdit1->Alignment = taLeftJustify;
}    When you look at the events for the StatusBar, you'll see one called OnDrawPanel. DBL-Click it and add: 
void __fastcall TForm1::StatusBar1DrawPanel(TStatusBar *StatusBar,
        TStatusPanel *Panel, const TRect &Rect)
ImageList1->Draw (StatusBar1->Canvas, Rect.Left  2, Rect.Top  2, SBImage);
Rect.Left 2 to get it away from the panel divider. Also, the status bar height defaults at 19, and I make it 20 to center the 16x16 glyphs). The SBImage is the last parameter. I worked on having several "ownerdrawn" panels, but I couldn't diferenciate between them.(Then I read my Oct 97 Cobb Journel and found out how!) You can also have more than one image per panel, even to DrawText between them, by making the ownerdrawn panel larger, and add to the Rect.Left integer. And you won't be using the SBImage int, but the actual ImageList.Index[#]

ImageList1->Draw(StatusBar1->Canvas, Rect.Left  2, Rect.Top  2, 5);
ImageList1->Draw(StatusBar1->Canvas, Rect.Left   22, Rect.Top  2, 3);
ImageList1->Draw(StatusBar1->Canvas, Rect.Left   42, Rect.Top  2, 2);
StatusBar1->Canvas->DrawText(Rect.Left   82, Rect.Top,
                        "This is an owner drawn line.");
Resizing icons is no fun. I'd rather put them into an imagelist, stretched to fit, then call it. Here's a call from an included resource file:

Graphics::TBitmap *MySBImage = new Graphics::TBitmap();
MySBImage = LoadFromResourceName(0, "MyBitmap");
StatusBar1->Canvas->Draw( Rect.Left   62, Rect.Top  2, MySBImage);
And that about wraps up the easy part. Doing it the API way takes about 3 pages of code.... Hoary for C Builder Ideas : You could set a document glyph for each open child window, and work with the mouse coordinates, using an OnMouseOver event to show a hint about the glyph's owner, and an OnClick event , whereby giving the StatusBar a hotspot, to bring that child window to the top. That sure would be easier knowing how many were open, and switching between them. Just a concept... 聯盟----Visita網站http://www.vista.org.tw ---[ 發問前請先找找舊文章 ]---
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