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[推薦] Inside the VCL



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Inside the VCL

作者:Damon Chandler 1. Inside the VCL: From Messages to Events Part I http://bcbcaq.bytamin-c.com/MessagesToEvents.html 2. Inside the VCL: From Messages to Events Part II http://bcbcaq.bytamin-c.com/MessagesToEvents2.html 3. Inside the VCL: Window Creation Fundamentals http://bcbcaq.bytamin-c.com/WindowCreationFundamentals.html Sample Project #1 (By David Richards) "True Transparency with TBitmaps"http://bcbcaq.bytamin-c.com/CAQs/project_DR.html Graphics guru Dave Richards discusses how to achieve true transparency with the TBitmap control. Sample Project #2 (By Damon Chandler) [Note: This article is useful only for BCB1 users.] "Adding CheckBoxes to an owner-drawn ListView control" http://bcbcaq.bytamin-c.com/CAQs/project_LV.html In this article, I discuss how to make a ListView owner-drawn, while maintaning checkboxes with full functionality. Sample Project #3 (By Damon Chandler) "Double-buffering owner-drawn controls" http://bcbcaq.bytamin-c.com/CAQs/project_SG.html In this article, I discuss some of the common causes of flicker, and demonstrate the tried and true double-buffering technique to achieve optimal performance. Sample Project #4 (By Damon Chandler) [Note: This article is useful only for BCB1 users.] "Drawing on a ListView's Header Control" http://bcbcaq.bytamin-c.com/CAQs/LV_HeaderOD.html Customizing a ListView's Header control is common practice in some of the more advanced applications, In this sample project, I'll show you to achieve this functionality Article (By Damon Chandler) "Drag and Drop from Explorer" http://bcbcaq.bytamin-c.com/CAQs/project_DD.html An intuitive user-interface is only as good as the functionality it supports. Ease of use if of primary concern in today's professional applications. In this article, I'll show you two robust techniques to implement dragging files from Windows Explorer into your application. It's easier than you may think! Article (By Damon Chandler) "An Introduction to Custom Draw -- The TreeView Control" Custom Draw can added added flair and eye-candy to your application. In this article I'll introduce you to the techniques of using this new technology with the TreeView control. Article (By Damon Chandler) "Custom Drawing the ListView's Header Control" Custom Drawing a ListView's header control offers more flexibility than the owner-drawn approach. In this article I'll show you how to draw the header control in any color/font; even add bitmaps if needed. Sample Project #5 (By Damon Chandler) "Monitoring Directory Changes" http://bcbcaq.bytamin-c.com/CAQs/Project_Monitor.html How do I monitor the contents of a directory? This is certainly a commonly asked question with a usually simple answer: Use the FindFirstChangeNotification() API function. Although this is indeed the correct approach to take, the methods to actually accomplish this are not so straightforward. In fact, FindFirstChangeNotification() is just a small part of making this work. As such, the purpose of this article is to provide an more in-depth look at exactly what's involved in monitoring the contents of a folder. Sample Project #6 (By Damon Chandler) "Playing and Recording Sound via the Wave API" http://bcbcaq.bytamin-c.com/CAQs/project_WaveRecord.html While it's possible to use the MCI (directly or via the TMediaPlayer component) to record wave files, using the Wave API offers superior control. In this article, I'll show you the basics of this low-level interface and demonstrate how to play and record waveform-audio. 時間就是金錢
系統時間:2024-07-07 19:32:04
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