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#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-04-10 14:34:32 IP:140.116.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
#include "errhand.h"
#include "bitio.h"    /*
 * The SYMBOL structure is what is used to define a symbol in
 * arithmetic coding terms.  A symbol is defined as a range between
 * 0 and 1.  Since we are using integer math, instead of using 0 and 1
 * as our end points, we have an integer scale.  The low_count and
 * high_count define where the symbol falls in the range.
 */    typedef struct {
    unsigned short int low_count;
    unsigned short int high_count;
    unsigned short int scale;
} SYMBOL;    /*
 * Internal function prototypes, with or without ANSI prototypes.
 */    #ifdef __STDC__    void build_model( FILE *input, FILE *output );
void scale_counts( unsigned long counts[], unsigned char scaled_counts[] );
void build_totals( unsigned char scaled_counts[] );
void count_bytes( FILE *input, unsigned long counts[] );
void output_counts( FILE *output, unsigned char scaled_counts[] );
void input_counts( FILE *stream );
void convert_int_to_symbol( int symbol, SYMBOL *s );
void get_symbol_scale( SYMBOL *s );
int convert_symbol_to_int( int count, SYMBOL *s );
void initialize_arithmetic_encoder( void );
void encode_symbol( BIT_FILE *stream, SYMBOL *s );
void flush_arithmetic_encoder( BIT_FILE *stream );
short int get_current_count( SYMBOL *s );
void initialize_arithmetic_decoder( BIT_FILE *stream );
void remove_symbol_from_stream( BIT_FILE *stream, SYMBOL *s );    #else    void build_model();
void scale_counts();
void build_totals();
void count_bytes();
void output_counts();
void input_counts();
void convert_int_to_symbol();
void get_symbol_scale();
int convert_symbol_to_int();
void initialize_arithmetic_encoder();
void encode_symbol();
void flush_arithmetic_encoder();
short int get_current_count();
void initialize_arithmetic_decoder();
void remove_symbol_from_stream();    #endif    #define END_OF_STREAM 256
short int totals[ 258 ];            /* The cumulative totals                */    char *CompressionName = "Fixed order 0 model with arithmetic coding";
char *Usage           = "in-file out-file\n\n";    /*
 * This compress file routine is a fairly orthodox compress routine.
 * It first gathers statistics, and initializes the arithmetic
 * encoder.  It then encodes all the characters in the file, followed
 * by the EOF character.  The output stream is then flushed, and we exit.
 * Note that an extra two bytes are output.  When decoding an arithmetic
 * stream, we have to read in extra bits.  The decoding process takes
 * place in the msb of the low and high range ints, so when we are
 * decoding our last bit we will still have to have at least 15 junk
 * bits loaded into the registers.  The extra two bytes account for
 * that.
void CompressFile( input, output, argc, argv )
FILE *input;
BIT_FILE *output;
int argc;
char *argv[];
    int c;
    SYMBOL s;        build_model( input, output->file );
    initialize_arithmetic_encoder();        while ( ( c = getc( input ) ) != EOF ) {
        convert_int_to_symbol( c, &s );
        encode_symbol( output, &s );
    convert_int_to_symbol( END_OF_STREAM, &s );
    encode_symbol( output, &s );
    flush_arithmetic_encoder( output );
    OutputBits( output, 0L, 16 );
    while ( argc-- > 0 ) {
        printf( "Unused argument: %s\n", *argv );
        argv  ;
}    /*
 * This expand routine is also very conventional.  It reads in the
 * model, initializes the decoder, then sits in a loop reading in
 * characters.  When we decode an END_OF_STREAM, it means we can close
 * up the files and exit.  Note decoding a single character is a three
 * step process:  first we determine what the scale is for the current
 * symbol by looking at the difference between the high an low values.
 * We then see where the current input values fall in that range.
 * Finally, we look in our totals array to find out what symbol is
 * a match.  After that is done, we still have to remove that symbol
 * from the decoder.  Lots of work.
 */    void ExpandFile( input, output, argc, argv )
BIT_FILE *input;
FILE *output;
int argc;
char *argv[];
    SYMBOL s;
    int c;
    int count;        input_counts( input->file );
    initialize_arithmetic_decoder( input );
    for ( ; ; ) {
        get_symbol_scale( &s );
        count = get_current_count( &s );
        c = convert_symbol_to_int( count, &s );
        if ( c == END_OF_STREAM )
        remove_symbol_from_stream( input, &s );
        putc( (char) c, output );
    while ( argc-- > 0 ) {
        printf( "Unused argument: %s\n", *argv );
        argv  ;
}    /*
 * This is the routine that is called to scan the input file, scale
 * the counts, build the totals array, the output the scaled counts
 * to the output file.
 */    void build_model( input, output )
FILE *input;
FILE *output;
    unsigned long counts[ 256 ];
    unsigned char scaled_counts[ 256 ];        count_bytes( input, counts );
    scale_counts( counts, scaled_counts );
    output_counts( output, scaled_counts );
    build_totals( scaled_counts );
}    /*
 * This routine runs through the file and counts the appearances of each
 * character.
#ifndef SEEK_SET
#define SEEK_SET 0
#endif    void count_bytes( input, counts )
FILE *input;
unsigned long counts[];
    long input_marker;
    int i;
    int c;        for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i   )
        counts[ i ] = 0;
    input_marker = ftell( input );
    while ( ( c = getc( input )) != EOF )
        counts[ c ]  ;
    fseek( input, input_marker, SEEK_SET );
}    /*
 * This routine is called to scale the counts down.  There are two types
 * of scaling that must be done.  First, the counts need to be scaled
 * down so that the individual counts fit into a single unsigned char.
 * Then, the counts need to be rescaled so that the total of all counts
 * is less than 16384.
void scale_counts( counts, scaled_counts )
unsigned long counts[];
unsigned char scaled_counts[];
    int i;
    unsigned long max_count;
    unsigned int total;
    unsigned long scale;    /*
 * The first section of code makes sure each count fits into a single byte.
    max_count = 0;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i   )
       if ( counts[ i ] > max_count )
           max_count = counts[ i ];
    scale = max_count / 256;
    scale = scale   1;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i   ) {
        scaled_counts[ i ] = (unsigned char ) ( counts[ i ] / scale );
        if ( scaled_counts[ i ] == 0 && counts[ i ] != 0 )
            scaled_counts[ i ] = 1;
 * This next section makes sure the total is less than 16384.  I initialize
 * the total to 1 instead of 0 because there will be an additional 1 added
 * in for the END_OF_STREAM symbol;
    total = 1;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i   )
        total  = scaled_counts[ i ];
    if ( total > ( 32767 - 256 ) )
        scale = 4;
    else if ( total > 16383 )
        scale = 2;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i   )
        scaled_counts[ i ] /= scale;
}    /*
 * This routine is used by both the encoder and decoder to build the
 * table of cumulative totals.  The counts for the characters in the
 * file are in the counts array, and we know that there will be a single
 * instance of the EOF symbol.
void build_totals( scaled_counts )
unsigned char scaled_counts[];
    int i;        totals[ 0 ] = 0;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < END_OF_STREAM ; i   )
        totals[ i   1 ] = totals[ i ]   scaled_counts[ i ];
    totals[ END_OF_STREAM   1 ] = totals[ END_OF_STREAM ]   1;
}    /*
 * In order for the compressor to build the same model, I have to store
 * the symbol counts in the compressed file so the expander can read
 * them in.  In order to save space, I don't save all 256 symbols
 * unconditionally.  The format used to store counts looks like this:
 *  start, stop, counts, start, stop, counts, ... 0
 * This means that I store runs of counts, until all the non-zero
 * counts have been stored.  At this time the list is terminated by
 * storing a start value of 0.  Note that at least 1 run of counts has
 * to be stored, so even if the first start value is 0, I read it in.
 * It also means that even in an empty file that has no counts, I have
 * to pass at least one count.
 * In order to efficiently use this format, I have to identify runs of
 * non-zero counts.  Because of the format used, I don't want to stop a
 * run because of just one or two zeros in the count stream.  So I have
 * to sit in a loop looking for strings of three or more zero values in
 * a row.
 * This is simple in concept, but it ends up being one of the most
 * complicated routines in the whole program.  A routine that just
 * writes out 256 values without attempting to optimize would be much
 * simpler, but would hurt compression quite a bit on small files.
void output_counts( output, scaled_counts )
FILE *output;
unsigned char scaled_counts[];
    int first;
    int last;
    int next;
    int i;        first = 0;
    while ( first < 255 && scaled_counts[ first ] == 0 )
            first  ;
 * Each time I hit the start of the loop, I assume that first is the
 * number for a run of non-zero values.  The rest of the loop is
 * concerned with finding the value for last, which is the end of the
 * run, and the value of next, which is the start of the next run.
 * At the end of the loop, I assign next to first, so it starts in on
 * the next run.
    for ( ; first < 256 ; first = next ) {
        last = first   1;
        for ( ; ; ) {
            for ( ; last < 256 ; last   )
                if ( scaled_counts[ last ] == 0 )
            for ( next = last   1; next < 256 ; next   )
                if ( scaled_counts[ next ] != 0 )
            if ( next > 255 )
            if ( ( next - last ) > 3 )
            last = next;
 * Here is where I output first, last, and all the counts in between.
        if ( putc( first, output ) != first )
            fatal_error( "Error writing byte counts\n" );
        if ( putc( last, output ) != last )
            fatal_error( "Error writing byte counts\n" );
        for ( i = first ; i <= last ; i   ) {
            if ( putc( scaled_counts[ i ], output ) !=
                 (int) scaled_counts[ i ] )
                fatal_error( "Error writing byte counts\n" );
    if ( putc( 0, output ) != 0 )
            fatal_error( "Error writing byte counts\n" );
}    /*
 * When expanding, I have to read in the same set of counts.  This is
 * quite a bit easier that the process of writing them out, since no
 * decision making needs to be done.  All I do is read in first, check
 * to see if I am all done, and if not, read in last and a string of
 * counts.
 */    void input_counts( input )
FILE *input;
    int first;
    int last;
    int i;
    int c;
    unsigned char scaled_counts[ 256 ];        for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i   )
        scaled_counts[ i ] = 0;
    if ( ( first = getc( input ) ) == EOF )
        fatal_error( "Error reading byte counts\n" );
    if ( ( last = getc( input ) ) == EOF )
        fatal_error( "Error reading byte counts\n" );
    for ( ; ; ) {
        for ( i = first ; i <= last ; i   )
            if ( ( c = getc( input ) ) == EOF )
                fatal_error( "Error reading byte counts\n" );
                scaled_counts[ i ] = (unsigned char) c;
        if ( ( first = getc( input ) ) == EOF )
            fatal_error( "Error reading byte counts\n" );
        if ( first == 0 )
        if ( ( last = getc( input ) ) == EOF )
            fatal_error( "Error reading byte counts\n" );
    build_totals( scaled_counts );
}    /*
 * Everything from here down define the arithmetic coder section
 * of the program.
 */    /*
 * These four variables define the current state of the arithmetic
 * coder/decoder.  They are assumed to be 16 bits long.  Note that
 * by declaring them as short ints, they will actually be 16 bits
 * on most 80X86 and 680X0 machines, as well as VAXen.
static unsigned short int code;  /* The present input code value       */
static unsigned short int low;   /* Start of the current code range    */
static unsigned short int high;  /* End of the current code range      */
long underflow_bits;             /* Number of underflow bits pending   */    /*
 * This routine must be called to initialize the encoding process.
 * The high register is initialized to all 1s, and it is assumed that
 * it has an infinite string of 1s to be shifted into the lower bit
 * positions when needed.
void initialize_arithmetic_encoder()
    low = 0;
    high = 0xffff;
    underflow_bits = 0;
}    /*
 * At the end of the encoding process, there are still significant
 * bits left in the high and low registers.  We output two bits,
 * plus as many underflow bits as are necessary.
void flush_arithmetic_encoder( stream )
BIT_FILE *stream;
    OutputBit( stream, low & 0x4000 );
    underflow_bits  ;
    while ( underflow_bits-- > 0 )
        OutputBit( stream, ~low & 0x4000 );
}    /*
 * Finding the low count, high count, and scale for a symbol
 * is really easy, because of the way the totals are stored.
 * This is the one redeeming feature of the data structure used
 * in this implementation.
void convert_int_to_symbol( c, s )
int c;
    s->scale = totals[ END_OF_STREAM   1 ];
    s->low_count = totals[ c ];
    s->high_count = totals[ c   1 ];
}    /*
 * Getting the scale for the current context is easy.
void get_symbol_scale( s )
    s->scale = totals[ END_OF_STREAM   1 ];
}    /*
 * During decompression, we have to search through the table until
 * we find the symbol that straddles the "count" parameter.  When
 * it is found, it is returned. The reason for also setting the
 * high count and low count is so that symbol can be properly removed
 * from the arithmetic coded input.
int convert_symbol_to_int( count, s)
int count;
    int c;        for ( c = END_OF_STREAM ; count < totals[ c ] ; c-- )
    s->high_count = totals[ c   1 ];
    s->low_count = totals[ c ];
    return( c );
}    /*
 * This routine is called to encode a symbol.  The symbol is passed
 * in the SYMBOL structure as a low count, a high count, and a range,
 * instead of the more conventional probability ranges.  The encoding
 * process takes two steps.  First, the values of high and low are
 * updated to take into account the range restriction created by the
 * new symbol.  Then, as many bits as possible are shifted out to
 * the output stream.  Finally, high and low are stable again and
 * the routine returns.
void encode_symbol( stream, s )
BIT_FILE *stream;
    long range;
 * These three lines rescale high and low for the new symbol.
    range = (long) ( high-low )   1;
    high = low   (unsigned short int)
                 (( range * s->high_count ) / s->scale - 1 );
    low = low   (unsigned short int)
                 (( range * s->low_count ) / s->scale );
 * This loop turns out new bits until high and low are far enough
 * apart to have stabilized.
    for ( ; ; ) {
 * If this test passes, it means that the MSDigits match, and can
 * be sent to the output stream.
        if ( ( high & 0x8000 ) == ( low & 0x8000 ) ) {
            OutputBit( stream, high & 0x8000 );
            while ( underflow_bits > 0 ) {
                OutputBit( stream, ~high & 0x8000 );
 * If this test passes, the numbers are in danger of underflow, because
 * the MSDigits don't match, and the 2nd digits are just one apart.
        else if ( ( low & 0x4000 ) && !( high & 0x4000 )) {
            underflow_bits  = 1;
            low &= 0x3fff;
            high |= 0x4000;
        } else
            return ;
        low <<= 1;
        high <<= 1;
        high |= 1;
}    /*
 * When decoding, this routine is called to figure out which symbol
 * is presently waiting to be decoded.  This routine expects to get
 * the current model scale in the s->scale parameter, and it returns
 * a count that corresponds to the present floating point code:
 *  code = count / s->scale
short int get_current_count( s )
    long range;
    short int count;        range = (long) ( high - low )   1;
    count = (short int)
            ((((long) ( code - low )   1 ) * s->scale-1 ) / range );
    return( count );
}    /*
 * This routine is called to initialize the state of the arithmetic
 * decoder.  This involves initializing the high and low registers
 * to their conventional starting values, plus reading the first
 * 16 bits from the input stream into the code value.
void initialize_arithmetic_decoder( stream )
BIT_FILE *stream;
    int i;        code = 0;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i   ) {
        code <<= 1;
        code  = InputBit( stream );
    low = 0;
    high = 0xffff;
}    /*
 * Just figuring out what the present symbol is doesn't remove
 * it from the input bit stream.  After the character has been
 * decoded, this routine has to be called to remove it from the
 * input stream.
void remove_symbol_from_stream( stream, s )
BIT_FILE *stream;
    long range;    /*
 * First, the range is expanded to account for the symbol removal.
    range = (long)( high - low )   1;
    high = low   (unsigned short int)
                 (( range * s->high_count ) / s->scale - 1 );
    low = low   (unsigned short int)
                 (( range * s->low_count ) / s->scale );
 * Next, any possible bits are shipped out.
    for ( ; ; ) {
 * If the MSDigits match, the bits will be shifted out.
        if ( ( high & 0x8000 ) == ( low & 0x8000 ) ) {
 * Else, if underflow is threatening, shift out the 2nd MSDigit.
        else if ((low & 0x4000) == 0x4000  && (high & 0x4000) == 0 ) {
            code ^= 0x4000;
            low   &= 0x3fff;
            high  |= 0x4000;
        } else
 * Otherwise, nothing can be shifted out, so I return.
        low <<= 1;
        high <<= 1;
        high |= 1;
        code <<= 1;
        code  = InputBit( stream );
發表人 - chengwei 於 2005/04/10 23:39:56


#2 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-04-10 23:32:49 IP:218.168.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
您好:PO程式碼的方式請參考版規說明,煩請修改謝謝您的配合 http://delphi.ktop.com.tw/topic.php?TOPIC_ID=48259


#3 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-04-12 10:31:54 IP:61.229.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
可以將 function 的 parameter 修改一下應該就可以了    例如
void CompressFile( input, output, argc, argv )
FILE *input;
BIT_FILE *output;
int argc;
char *argv[];
  // 忽略程式碼
void CompressFile(FILE *input, BIT_FILE *output, int argc, char *argv[] )
  // 忽略程式碼
必須對所有 function 都做這樣的修改
系統時間:2024-10-06 23:58:26
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