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CLE 貢獻者名單



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-01-31 14:28:22 IP:61.221.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
http://linux.tnc.edu.tw/techdoc/cledoc/node151.html    CLE 貢獻者名單  這是一份對 CLE 計劃有貢獻者的不完整名單,雖然我們已經儘可能的收集所有的貢獻者,但相信這樣的名單永遠也不會完整。如果您發現我們遺漏了您的名字,請務必來信告訴我們。謝謝!     維護者:黃志偉  李柏鋒 Follow the structure of the CREDITS in Linux source code ... The fields are: name (N), web-address (W), PGP key ID and fingerprint (P), description (D), and snail-mail address (S). N: Albert Luo D: CLE developer N: Andrew Lee (李健秋) W: ftp://mdk.linux.org.tw/pub/Mandrake-CLE/ D: Chinese GNU/Linux Extensions on Mandrake N: Anthony Fok Tung-Ling (霍東靈) W: http://www.debian.org/index.zh-tw.html W: http://www.debian.org/index.zh-cn.html D: Debian Chinese Project N: Anthony Wong (黃彥邦) W: http://www.debian.org/index.zh-tw.html W: http://www.debian.org/index.zh-cn.html D: Debian Chinese Project N: Antony Shen D: CLE developer, kmysql related stuff N: Armani Liao (廖志宇) D: po files translator N: Arphic Technology Co., Ltd. (文鼎科技) W: http://www.arphic.com.tw/ W: ftp://cle.linux.org.tw/pub/fonts/arphic/ D: Arphic PL Big5/GB Chinese True Type Fonts S: 11Fl. No.168, Yung Chi Rd., Taipei, 110 Taiwan N: Brian Hsu D: po files translator N: Cd Chen (陳永昇) D: po files translator N: Chang, Chung-Yen (張崇嚴) W: http://linux.mcic.thu.edu.tw D: active CLE developer N: Chang, Yu-Chia (張友嘉) D: CLE for LinuxPPC porting, CLDP translator N: Chen, Chun-Chung (陳俊仲) D: XMMS i18n hacking N: Chen, Chung-Hung (陳忠鋐) D: active developer for CLE specific packages, netscape ... N: Chen, Hung-Yih (陳弘毅) W: http://www.math.ncu.edu.tw/yih/intro.htm D: A Chinese TeX/LaTeX System N: Cheng, Yuan-Chen (鄭原真) W: http://freebsd.sinica.edu.tw/~ycheng/ D: tlug.sinica.edu.tw ( {www,ftp,xcin,cldp,cgtp}.linux.org.tw ) maintainer N: Cheng, Yuan-Chung (鄭原忠) W: http://cle.linux.org.tw D: Chinese GNU/Linux Extensions project coordinator N: Chester Kuo (郭谷彰) W: ftp://linux.tmtc.edu.tw/pub/CLE/SuSE/suse/ D: Chinese GNU/Linux Extensions on SuSE N: Chin, Chen-Shan (金振山) W: http://students.washington.edu/cschin/ D: bg5ps author, help with ghostscript ttf support N: Chu, Hung-Chi D: zh_TW.Big5 XLC_LOCALE N: Chunag, Ming-Che (莊明哲) W: http://cobra.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~mingche/ D: xcin, Qt, KDE i18n hacker N: Clara Wu (吳亦清) W: http://cle.linux.org.tw/CLE/ W: http://www.seas.ucla.edu/~yichingw/ D: CLE webmaster N: Clement Chuang (莊晟梃) W: http://freebsd.ntu.edu.tw/taiwan/clement/ D: CXEmacs, qt-144-zh hacker N: Clive Lin W: http://freebsd.sinica.edu.tw/~ncvs/zh-l10n-tut/index.html D: FreeBSD hacker, zh-l10n-tut author N: Cosmos (姜明賢) W: http://www.cis.nctu.edu.tw/~is84086/Project/ D: cp950 patch author N: Daniel Gau (高茂原) W: http://www.linux.org.tw/~plateau/linux_notes/index.htm D: pydict author, LinuxNotes webmaster N: Danny Zeng D: po files translator N: Fang, Hang (方漢) W: http://www.turbolinux.com.cn/ D: cp936 author N: Fernando Hsieh (謝法安) D: po files translator N: Foxman Lin (林庭至) D: active Linux hacker (g11ntty, xlpotdb, zwin, ...) N: Holly Lee W: http://programmer.lib.sjtu.edu.cn/cce/cce.html D: cce co-author N: Hsiao, Pai-Hsiang (蕭百翔) W: http://libtabe.sourceforge.net/ D: TaBE project, libtabe author N: Hsiao, Yung-Ching (蕭永慶) D: xcin hacker N: Hsieh, Tung-Han (謝東翰) W: http://xcin.linux.org.tw D: xcin, a Chinese input method, project coordinator D: glibc locale-zh author N: Hsin, Li-Ren (辛立仁) D: po files translator N: Hsu, Ming-Yen (許明彥) D: po files translator N: Huang, Chih-Tsun (黃稚存) D: active developer for CLE specific packages, vim ... N: Huang, Chih-Wei (黃志偉) W: http://www.linux.org.tw/CLDP/ W: http://www.linux.org.tw/~cwhuang/ D: Chinese Linux Documentation Project coordinator D: active CLE developer N: Japan KDE Users' Group W: http://www.kde.gr.jp/ D: Qt, KDE i18n N: Jason Chang D: administrator of {cle|i18n|mdk}.linux.org.tw N: Jerry Wu (吳文政) W: http://cle.linux.org.tw/CLE/release/clev08-slk.shtml D: CLE for Slackware porting N: Jing-Tang Keith Jang (張敬堂) D: FreeBSD maintainer or whatever :) N: Joe Jih-Shien Lu (盧紀憲) D: FreeBSD hacker N: Jouston Huang (黃峻崢) W: http://i18n.linux.org.tw D: Chinese localization project coordinator N: Junji Takagi W: http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~hc3j-tkg/qt-i18n/index.html D: qt 1.4x i18n patch N: Justin Yu (于明儉) W: http://turbolinux.com.cn/~justiny/ D: TurboLinux Chinese developer, i18n technology N: Kevin Lo (羅謝家偉) W: http://kde.linux.org.tw/ D: FreeBSD/OpenBSD/KDE committer N: Liang, Tai-hwa (梁泰華) D: cpine patch author N: Linpus Technologies, Inc. (百資科技) W: http://www.linpus.com.tw/ D: Gnome Chinese po files N: Liu, Jiann-Ching D: qe author N: Lloyd Huang (黃宇新) D: hacking for zh-sgmltools, KaLUG advocacy N: Pablo Saratxaga W: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/l10n.php3 D: i18n technology N: Penelope Marr (胡崇偉) D: rhl-doc-big5 author, GNU/Linux advocacy N: Peter Hung (洪志全) D: xcin hacker (overthespot style) N: Pofeng Lee (李柏鋒) W: http:///cgtp.linux.org.tw/ D: GNU Translation Project - Chinese Team (CGTP) N: Raner D: cce original author N: Saka Yu (于廣輝) W: http://banyan.dlut.edu.cn/~ygh/ D: Autoconvert author, Debian Chinese member, Chinese LinuxFocus translator N: Seventeen Chen (陳更欣) D: CLE helper N: Shinewave International Inc. W: http://www.shinewave.com.tw/ D: KDE po files S: 4F, 126, Sec 4, Nanking E. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, 105, R.O.C. N: Shyue, Jing-Jong (薛景中) W: http://i18n.linux.org.tw/ D: database and webmaster of i18n project, CLDP translator N: Storm Yang (楊尚峰) D: CLE developer, CLDP translator N: Top Technologies International Co., Ltd. (頂高國際科技) W: http://www.toptk.com/ D: KDE/Gnome Chinese po files, support CLE/CLDP projects S: 4F, 141 Sec3, Ren-Ai Road, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. N: Tseng, Jau-Ming (曾昭明) W: http://members.xoom.com/jauming/links.htm D: jmce author N: TurboLinux, Inc. (China) W: http://www.turbolinux.com.cn/ D: Chinese messages translation, i18n technology S: 5th Floor, West Wing of China World Trade Center S: No.1 Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue, Beijing 100004, P.R.China N: Voidoo D: po files translator N: Wang, Chinian (王齊年) D: linux.org.tw owner/maintaniner N: Wang, Han-Chung (王漢宗) D: donation of ten sets of Chinese truetype fonts N: Wang, Jian W: http://i18n.linux.net.cn/ D: LinuxNet CN i18n project N: Wang, Yu-Chung (王佑中) W: http://linux.ece.uci.edu/~wangy/ D: chdrv, lyx-i18n, Visual perl author/hacker N: Wei, JR (魏澤人) W: ftp://magic.math.ntu.edu.tw/pub/XA/ D: original cgcc, xa cv author N: Wu, Tsong-Ming (吳聰敏) W: http://ceiba.cc.ntu.edu.tw/tmwu/ D: cwTeX author, donation of Chinese PostScript fonts N: Wu, Woju (吳慶鴻) D: active FreeBSD hacker N: XLinux Inc. (網虎國際) W: http://www.xlinux.com.tw/ D: KDE po files S: 12F, No.185, Fu Kuo Road, Tzoying Kaohsiung 813, Taiwan, R.O.C. N: Xteam Software (China) Ltd W: http://www.xteamlinux.com.cn/ D: KDE Chinese help files
系統時間:2024-10-04 10:22:54
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