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#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-10-06 20:24:26 IP:61.231.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
曾經在Windows系統用過用voice modem來作答錄機的功能. Linux OS底下好像也有這類的應用程式. 有沒辦法只用程式碼就做出這樣的功能? (目前好像只看過視窗介面的.) 可以做成小型的嵌入式系統?    有人告訴我說可以找找VMCP(voice modem control program). 可是我並不清楚哪裡有相關資料 可以請各位先進前輩指導一下嗎?


#2 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-10-07 12:22:13 IP:61.221.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
我只知道參考AT指令 國內這些很少有資料 須自己去找 小型的嵌入式系統最難的不是設計 而是龐大資金的問題 你說的東西 早已有人在賣了 大都是搭配一些傳真伺服器的內建功能 需注意資料上的晶片ㄛ 外接的數據機與pci卡的數據機學問可大了 目前台灣市售的數據機已經7成為半工 你如果要找全工的很難 尤其是致福gvc外接的數據機我買舊的是全工 新的是半工 使用的晶片也更換了 打電話問了之後服務人員只說 廣告封面未改 原晶片成本較高 所以不用 (那不是被騙) 大陸叫數據機為(貓)
最會的2大絕招 這個不會與那個也不會 哈哈哈 粉好

Delphi K.Top的K.Top分兩個字解釋Top代表尖端的意思,希望本討論區能提供Delphi的尖端新知
K.表Knowlege 知識,就是本站的標語:Open our mind


#3 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-10-08 18:56:25 IP:140.118.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
jackkcg,非常謝謝你的回應 我也知道這類產品已經有廠商做出來在賣 我想弄這東西不是要賺錢.而是學校裡的專題題目. 不過一直找不到可以參考的資料.(不好意思..我有點想偷懶-_-) 會的一點AT command大概也做不出想要的功能. 我的數據機應該是全雙工的.因為我有用它玩過網路電話. 不曉得現在還能不能動-__-" 對岸那裡我再找找看吧. 歡迎大家指教提供參考資訊


#4 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-10-12 10:54:24 IP:61.221.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
我手上也只有少許資料 希望對你有用 不過你可以問看看dllee大大 它對這一方面 應該有經驗 Voice Commands _Command_ _Description_ FCLASS=8 Enter Voice Mode. AT FCLASS=8 puts the modem in voice mode. Speakerphone and TAM modes are included under the more general heading of Voice Mode and use a particular subset of voie mode commands to implement their respective features and functions. The modem controller will maintain the overall state of the system so as to know when voice commands are issued in the context of using the speakerphone versus TAM or other voice contexts. FCLASS? Return Current Modem Mode. FCLASS=? Return Supported Modem Modes. AT FCLASS=? queries the modem for the range of modes supported. The modem returns: 0, 1, 8, 80 (data, fax, voice, VoiceView). FMI? Modem Manufacturer Identification. AT FMI? instructs the modem to identify its manufacturer. FMM? Modem Product Identification. AT FMM? instructs the modem to report its product identification. FMR Modem Revision Identification. AT FMR? instructs the modem to report its revision level or other pertinent information. VIP Initialize Voice Parameters. AT VIP causes the modem to initialize all voice parameters to their default values. VCID=n Caller ID. AT VCID enables/disables caller identification. Parameters: n = 0, 1, 2 n = 0 Disable Caller ID n = 1 Enable Caller ID, formatted caller report n = 2 Enable Caller ID, unformatted caller report NOTE: Caller ID is not available in some countries. VCID? Return Current Caller ID Mode. NOTE: Caller ID is not available in some countries. VCID=? Return Supported Caller ID Report Formats. AT VCID=? queries the modem for the range of supported Caller ID report formats. NOTE: Caller ID is not available in some countries. VDR=, Distinctive Ringing and Cadence Report. AT VDR enables the distinctive ringing feature. Distinctive ringing allows a report of DROF/DRON to follow an exact ring cadence coming over the phone line. NOTE: Distinctive ringing is not available in some countries. VDR? Return Distinctive Ringing and Cadence Report Values. AT VDR? returns the current values of and . NOTE: Distinctive ringing is not available in some countries. VDR=? Return Supported Distinctive Ringing and Cadence Report Configurations. AT VDR=? queries the modem for the range of supported distinctive ring configurations. The modem returns (0,1), (0- 255). NOTE: Distinctive ringing is not available in some countries. VGT=n Speaker Volume Control. Range: 0 - 255 n = 0 Modem automatic volume control n = 128 Nominal volume level for sending to speaker n > 128 Increase volume above nominal level n < 128 Decrease volume below nominal level AT VGT? Returns the current speaker volume level AT VGT=? Returns the range of supported levels VGR=n Receive Gain Selection. AT VGR=n enables the receive microphone gain control. Range: 0 - 255 n = 128 Nominal level for receive gain from microphone n > 128 Increase gain above nominal level n < 128 Decrease gain below nominal level TAM mode. This command may be used in TAM local recording to control the recording level from the microphone. Speakerphone mode. This command may be used to control the gain from the microphone to the remote caller. AT VGR? Returns the current gain level AT VGR=? Returns the range of supported gain values VEM=n Event Reporting and Masking. The computer uses the AT VEM=n command to disable an event report regardless of the modem state, analog signal source, or destination configuration. Mask is bits 0 - 33 (i.e., > FFFFFFFFC). See the IS-101 specification for defined bit values. AT VEM? Returns the current values of the mask AT VEM=? Queries the modem for the range of supported service level events VIT=n DTE/DCE (computer/modem) Inactivity Timer. The AT VIT=n command sets the modem's value for the DTE/DCE inactivity timer. This timer is initiated after a logical hang-up described by the AT VNH=2 command. At the end of the selected inactivity period, the modem performs a physical hang-up and returns to FCLASS=0. The timer, n, is incremented in one-second units. VIT? Returns the current DTE/DCE inactivity timer value VIT=? Returns the supported range of DTE/DCE inactivity timer values VNH=n Automatic Hang-up Control. The AT VNH=n command causes the modem to enable or disable automatic hang-ups in the data and facsimile modes. See the > ISO-101 specification for a detailed description of this command and its interaction with the FCLASS and ATH commands. Parameters: n = 0, 1 n = 0 Enable automatic hang-ups (default) n = 1 Disable automatic hang-ups in the data and facsimile modes. The computer performs a logical hang-up; the modem performs a logical hang-up and returns the OK result code. *Voice* *Commands* *Related* *to* *Speakerphone* _Command_ _Description_ VLS=n Analog Source/Destination Selection. General purpose analog source/destination command that attaches various analog devices to the system in voice mode. Speakerphone On/Off n = 0 Speakerphone off. Detaches analog devices, modem on-hook n = 7 Speaker phone on. Attaches internal speaker and internal microphone, modem off-hook Microphone Control/Phone muting n = 5 Disables/detaches microphone analog source (leaving speaker only) when speakerphone is in operation (phone mute feature) n = 7 Restores/attaches microphone along with speaker (normal speakerphone operation) VLS? Report Current Analog Source/Destination Configuration. AT VLS? reports the current analog source/destination configuration, along with a listing of all event codes reported from the modem to the computer under that configuration. VLS=? Report Supported Analog Source/Destination Configurations. AT VLS=? queries the modem for the range of supported configurations and the list of unsolicited event codes that the modem will report to the computer under each configuration. For speakerphone, the configurations supported are 0, 5, 7. *Voice* *Commands* *Related* *to* *Telephone* *Answering* *Machine* (*TAM*) _Command_ _Description_ VTD=n Beep Tone Duration Timer. AT VTD=n sets the default duration for DTMF/tone generation (set in 0.01 second units). VTS=n DTMF and Tone Generation in Voice Mode. AT VTS=n causes the modem to produce a sequence of DTMF tones (or other tones, such as dialtone, busy, silence) as specified in the parameter string. Specifications for the tone strings > are detailed in IS-101. VLS=n Analog Source/Destination Selections. TAM supports each of the following IS-101 analog source/destination configurations: n = 0 Modem on-hook, local phone connected to Telco n = 1 Modem off-hook, modem connected to Telco n = 2 Modem off-hook, local phone connected to modem n = 3 Modem off-hook, local phone connected to Telco, modem to local phone n = 4 Speaker connected to modem, modem on-hook (playback messages) n = 5 Speaker connected to modem, modem off-hook (call screening) n = 6 Microphone connected to modem, modem on-hook (record greeting) n = 7 Microphone and speaker connected, modem off-hook (speakerphone) VLS=? Analog Source/Destination Selection and DTMF/Tone Reporting. Requests for the modem's DTMF/Tone reporting capabilities are made using the AT VLS=? command. For each system configuration in voice mode (speakerphone and answering machine), the modem reports the capabilities that are enabled for the configuration. For each configuration, the modem indicates tone-reporting capabilities for each of the three different voice states: Voice Transmit Data, Voice Receive Data, and Voice Command State. VSD=, Silence Detection (QUIET and SILENCE). The AT VSD=, command sets both the silence detection sensitivity and the silence detection interval . Larger values of indicate that the modem is to treat noisier line conditions as silence. Default is -40 dBm. =128 is the nominal level of sensitivity. greater than 128 is more aggressive; = 129 is -39 dBM. less than 128 is less aggressive; = 127 is -41 dBm. The specifies the amount of time the modem waits before reporting silence to the computer. It is used to determine the presumed hang-up (SILENCE), after which the modem sends - s to computer. Default is 5 seconds. VSM=cml,vsr Compression Method and Sampling Specifications. AT VSM=cml,vsr enables the compression method and sampling specifications where cml=compression method label and vsr=voice sampling rate. VSM? Return Current Compression Method and Sampling Specifications. AT VSM? returns the numeric and string labels of the compression method currently in use and the sampling rate currently in use. VSM=? Return Supported Compression Method and Sampling Specifications. The modem reports the voice compression methods it supports and the voice sampling rates at which they are supported: 128, 8-bit linear, (7200, 8000, 11025) 129, 16-bit linear, (7200, 8000, 11025) (default) 130, 8-bit A-law, (8000) 131, 8-bit 折-law, (8000) 132, IMA ADPCM, (8000) VRA=n Ringback Goes Away Timer. The modem uses the ringback goes away timer when originating a call. This command sets this timer to the amount of time the modem waits between ringbacks before assuming that the remote modem has gone off-hook. VRN=n Ringback Never Appeared Timer. The modem uses this ringback never appeared timer when originating a call. The AT VRN command sets this timer to the amount of time that the modem spends looking for an initial ringback. If a ringback is not detected within this interval, the modem assumes that the remote modem has gone off-hook. VoiceView is a feature that allows for Switched Voice and Data (SVD) transmissions. This means that your modem can send voice and data at the same time over a telephone line on a single connection. VoiceView alternates (switches) the voice and data signals, which makes it different from DSVD, which allows for simultaneous transmission of voice and data signals. The following table lists the VoiceView AT commands that your modem understands. Each command description names the command, explains it, and lists any associated parameters. *VoiceView* *Commands* _Command_ _Description_ FCLASS=80 Enter Voice Mode. AT FCLASS=80 instructs the modem to enter VoiceView mode and use the set of VoiceView mode commands. -SVV Start VoiceView Data Mode. AT-SVV initiates the transmission of the VoiceView data mode start sequence and initiates a data transaction. -SAC Accept Data Mode Request. AT-SAC instructs the modem to accept the incoming VoiceView data mode start sequence and proceed with establishing a data transaction. -SIPn Initialize VoiceView Parameters. AT-SIPn sets VoiceView parameters. Parameters: n = 0 - 2 n = 0 Reset parameters to defaults n = 1 Reset parameters to defaults and audit message storage n = 2 Reset parameters to defaults and erase message storage -SIC Reset Capabilities Data to Default Setting. AT-SIC resets the capabilities data structure to the default capabilities. -SSQ Start Capabilities Query. AT-SSQ initiates the transmission of the VoiceView capabilities. -SDA Start Modem Data Mode. AT-SDA initiates the transmission of the modem data mode start sequence and causes the modem to switch to data mode. -SFX Start Facsimile Data Mode. AT-SFX initiates the transmission of the fax data mode start sequence and causes the modem to switch to fax data mode. -SMTn Telephone Handset Mute Control. AT-SMTn controls the manual muting of the local telephone interface. Parameters: n = 0, 1 n = 0 Unmute (default) n = 1 Mute -SQR=n Capabilities Query Response Control. AT-SQR=n controls the response to a capabilities query. Parameters: n = 0, 1 n = 0 One-way response. Your modem does not request capability information from the originating modem. n = 1 Two-way response. After answering a query for its capabilities, your modem requests capability information from the originating modem. -SCD=n Set Capabilities Data. AT-SCD=n is used to read, add to, or establish the contents of the modem's capabilities data structure. The capabilities elements (n) consist of pairs of hexadecimal numbers and specify the capabilities information. AT-SCD? Reads the current capabilities -SER? Error Reporting. AT-SER? asks the modem for an error report. The modem responds with either 0 (no error found) or a pair of hexadecimal digits representing the error parameter byte. These error codes, along with their explanations, are listed in the following table. Error CodeDescription 81 Unrecognized command issued by the computer 82 Unsupported parameter received 83 Could not initiate data mode because switchhook is on-hook 84 Invalid capabilities information written by the computer 85 Could not initiate capabilities query 86 No data available to send to the computer 87 Could not initiate data mode because the message storage system is receiving messages 88 No incoming start sequence present 89 Could not initiate data mode because capability not active 41 Send sequence error 42 Receive sequence error 43 Unexpected DISC received as response 44 Maximum number of retransmissions (N200) exceeded 45 Maximum number of octets in I-frame exceeds N201 46 Maximum number of outstanding I-frames (k) exceeded 21 Timeout waiting for a valid mode tone in the start sequence 22 Timeout waiting for data modulation to begin after the start sequence 23 Timeout waiting for a valid data frame or near-end has no remove flow control (T203 expired) 24 Inactivity timeout in VoiceView auto-answer state (T300 expired) 25 Timeout waiting for a response to a capabilities query (T301) 26 Timeout waiting for a response to a capabilities exchange request (T301) 27 Timeout waiting for the remote modem to respond to a data mode start sequence (T200 expired) 28 Timeout waiting for the remote modem to remove flow control 29 Timeout waiting for data from the computer (T303) 2A Timeout waiting for physical layer to transmit frame 2B Timeout waiting for a response from the computer after sending an event indication (T310) -SSP= Set VoiceView Transmission Speeds. AT-SSP= specifies the data modulation schemes that are associated with the VoiceView mode tones. The digits of the compound value represent burst speed, recovery speed, and priority speed. Valid values: 0 - 7 0 V.21 300 bps FSK 1 V.27ter 4800 bps DPSK 2 V.29 9600 bps QAM 3 V.29 4800 bps QAM 4 V. 17 7200 bps TCM 5 V.17 9600 bps TCM 6 V.17 12000 bps TCM 7 V.17 14400 bps TCM Default: (0, 1, 2) -SSR=n Start Sequence Response Control. AT-SSR=n enables or disables a response to all VoiceView data start sequences. Parameters: n = 0, 1 n = 0 Disable response n = 1 Enable response (default) FLO=n Flow Control. AT FLO=n allows the computer to identify and select the type(s) of flow control provided and used. Parameters: 0, 1, 2 n = 0 No flow control n = 1 Bidirectional XON/XOFF flow control (default) n = 2 ITU circuit 133 for flow control of the modem by the computer; circuit 106 for flow control of the computer by the modem *DSVD* *AT* *Command* *Reference* The following table lists the DSVD AT commands. Each command description names the command, explains it, and lists any parameters. _Command_ _Description_ -SSE=n Enable/disable DSVD. Parameters: n = 0, 1 n = 0 Disable DSVD n = 1 Enable DSVD -SSE-OF Simulate virtual off-hook event. -SSE-ON Simulate virtual on-hook event. -SSE-AC Enable auto call. AT-SSE-AC tells the modem to establish the voice channel as soon as the connection is made with the remote DSVD modem. There is a single request for each new call. NOTE: If both modems have this setting, the voice channel is activated by one of the modems and remains enabled until the line is dropped. -SSE-AA Enable auto answer mode. AT-SSE-AA allows the modem to accept and answer all voice channel requests. -SSE-AM Enable auto multiple call mode. AT-SSE-AM allows the modem to establish a new connection every 30 seconds with a 5 second delay between calls. -SSE-A- Cancel auto mode. -SSE-&W Store current system audio parameters. -SSE-&R Read current registry parameters. -SSE-SN Enable silence detection. -SSE-SF Disable silence detection. -SSE-FN Set modem to full-duplex mode (with headset). -SSE-FF Set modem to half-duplex mode (with speakerphone). -SSE VGT=n Set speakerphone gain level. Range: 1 - 255 n = 0 Modem automatic volume control n = 128 Nominal volume level for sending to speaker n > 128 Increase volume above nominal level n < 128 Decrease volume below nominal level AT-SSE VGT? Returns the current speaker volume level AT-SSE VGT=? Returns the range of supported levels -SSE VGR=n Set microphone gain level. Range: 0 - 255 n = 128 Nominal level for receive gain from microphone n > 128 Increase gain above nominal level n < 128 Decrease gain below nominal level AT-SSE VGR? Returns the current gain level AT-SSE VGR=? Returns the range of supported gain values AT-SSE-Nn Select error correction mode for data channel. Parameters: n = 0, 1 n = 0 Select the UNERM (no error correction) mode data channel (V70 only) n = 1 Select the ERM (error correction) mode data channel (V70 and Intel DSVD) (default) -SSE-Wn Enable/disable wave access in DSVD. Mode Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 W0 0 0 0 W1 0 0 1 W2 0 1 0 W3 0 1 1 W4 1 0 0 W5 1 0 1 W6 1 1 0 W7 1 1 1 Recommended mode of operation is W7 Where Bit 0 enables mixing of local microphone into the wave file being played Bit 1 enables mixing of local feedback of the wave file being sent to the remote modem into the received voice signal Bit 2 enables mixing of local microphone signal into the remote voice signal being recorded into a wave file W8n Disables wave access n = 0 Enabled (default) n = 1 Disabled -SSE-Bn Select blocking factor. Parameters: n = 0 - 3 n = 0 Selects the blocking factor of 1 with no header field. (V70 and Intel DSVD) (default) n = 1 Selects the blocking factor of 1 (V70 and Intel DSVD) n = 2 Selects the blocking factor of 2 (V70 only) n = 3 Selects the blocking factor of 3 (V70 only) ATD Initiate transition from voice to DSVD. ATH Hang up modem. AT%Cn Enable/disable data channel compression. Parameters: n = 0, 1 n = 0 Disable compression n = 1 Enable compression (default) AT VNH=n Hook control. AT VNH=n is used in conjunction with ATH command for hook control. Parameters: n = 0, 2 n = 0 The modem hangs up when it does not detect a carrier n = 2 The modem remains off-hook when it does not detect a carrier. This allows the modem to switch to another mode. AT VIT=n Set the inactivity timer. 發表人 - jackkcg 於 2002/10/12 10:56:42
最會的2大絕招 這個不會與那個也不會 哈哈哈 粉好

Delphi K.Top的K.Top分兩個字解釋Top代表尖端的意思,希望本討論區能提供Delphi的尖端新知
K.表Knowlege 知識,就是本站的標語:Open our mind


#5 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-10-12 10:59:08 IP:61.221.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
要錢 http://www.modemtools.com/fvcentral.htm http://www.smarthome.com/1450.html ********************************************************************** http://www.mtnsys.com/pages/howto/htwavedr.htm http://www.modem-help.co.uk/chips/motsm56.html http://e-www.motorola.com/collateral/SM56_DRIVERS.html http://www.att.net/cgi-bin/webdrill?catkey=gwd/Top/Computers/Software/Operating_Systems/Graphic_Subsystems/Desktop_Environments/KDE/Productivity http://www.hylafax.org/archive/2000-12/msg00092.html 再找看看吧 發表人 - jackkcg 於 2002/10/12 11:32:37
最會的2大絕招 這個不會與那個也不會 哈哈哈 粉好

Delphi K.Top的K.Top分兩個字解釋Top代表尖端的意思,希望本討論區能提供Delphi的尖端新知
K.表Knowlege 知識,就是本站的標語:Open our mind


#6 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-10-12 11:01:40 IP:61.221.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
This document describes how to program using ROCKWELL's Voice/Fax/Data chipset. The Zoltrix 14,400bps Fax/14,400 Modem with voice uses this chipset.    This document was converted to text using BitFax Pro's OCR capabilities. The document this information came from is as follows:    ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL AT Command Reference Manual for RC32ACW, RC32ACL, and RC96V24AC Modem Families ORDER NO. 833, Revision 1 July 2, 1993    8. VOICE COMMANDS    The modem may be configured in response to AT voice commands to provide enhanced Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) coding and decoding for the compression and decompression of digitized voice. ADPCM compression supports the efficient storage of voice messages, while optional coder silence deletion and decoder silence interpolation significantly increase compression rates.    The ADPCM Voice Mode Supports three sub modes once a voice connection is established (see #CLS command): Online Voice Command Mode, Voice Receive Mode, and Voice Transmit Mode.    8.1. VOICE SUBMODES 8.1.1. Online Voice Command Mode    Online Voice Command Mode is the default Voice sub mode entered when the #CLS=8 command is issued, and may also be entered from Voice Receive Mode or Voice Transmit Mode. Entry Into Online Voice Command Mode is indicated to the DTE via the VCON message, after which AT commands can be entered without aborting the telephone line connection.          If the modem is the answerer, it enters Online Voice Command Mode immediately after going off-hook, and can report instances of DTMF tones and calling tones to the DTE. If the modem is the originator, it enters Online Voice Command Mode based on detection of the ringback cadence going away, upon expiration at the ringback never came timer, or upon detection of answer tone, and the modem can report DTMF tones, answer tones, busy tone, and dial tone to the DTE. (Note that DTMF tone reporting is supported in this mode if DTMF reporting is enabled via the #VTD command.)    When this mode is entered as a result of going off-hook with the D or A command, VCON is always sent to the DTE, after which the modem accepts commands. If this mode is entered from Voice Transmit Mode, the DTE has issued the , and the modem responds with VCON. If this mode is entered from the Voice Receive Mode because of a key abort, the modem issues the followed by VCON. If the #VLS command has switched in a handset or other device in place of the telephone line, Online Voice Command Mode is immediately entered, whereas if the telephone line is selected, a physical connection with another station must occur before entering this mode. 8.1.2. Voice Receive Mode Voice Receive Mode is entered when the DTE issues the #VRX command because it wants to receive voice data. This typically occurs when either recording a greeting message, or when recording voice messages from a remote station. In Voice Receive Mode, voice samples from the modem analog-to-digital converter (ADC) are sent to the ADPCM codec for compression, and can then be read by the host. AT commands control the codec bits-per-sample rate and select (optional) silence deletion including adjustment at the silence detection period. In this mode, the modem detects and reports DTMF, dial tone, busy tone cadence, and inactivity (periods of silence) as enabled by the #VTD and #VSS commands, respectively. The modem can exit the Voice Receive Mode only via a DTE Key Abort, or via Deadman Timer expiration (S30). 8.1.3. Voice Transmit Mode Voice Transmit Mode is entered when the DTE issues the #VTX command because it wants to transmit voice data. In this mode, the modem continues to detect and report DTMF and calling tones if enabled by the #VTD command. This mode is typically used when playing back greeting messages or previously received/recorded messages. In this mode, voice decompression is provided by the codec, and decompressed data is reconstituted into analog voice by the DAC at the original voice compression quantization sample-per-bits rate. Optional silence interpolation is enabled if silence deletion was selected for voice compression. 8.2. VOICE CAPABILITIES 8.2.1. Call establishment - Originate Directed Originate (Dial as a specific modem type) For most call originations, it is known ahead of time what type of call is being attempted, and it is acceptable to disconnect if the remote side of the connection does not cooperate. In this case, the modem can be configured ahead of time with the existing FCLASS (and FAA) or the #CLS command to be a data, fax, or voice modem. For Data and Fax Modes, the modem subsequently either succeeds with the desired type of connection, or eventually hangs up. For the Voice Mode, the DTE has the option of hanging up if there are indications that the remote station has not answered in voice, thus implementing a directed originate for voice. The following are the three connection type choices: VOICE The modem dials and reports call progress to the DTE, which reduces to reporting NO DIALTONE, or BUSY. The modem allows the DTE to program a time period, which if elapsed after any ringback is detected, forces the modem to assume the remote has gone off-hook. A secondary time period (safety valve) can define a maximum elapsed time after dialing for receiving no ringback before the modem assumes that the remote has gone off-hook. This safety valve is devised in case the remote picks up the telephone before any ringback is generated, and no other tones are detected. In this mode, the modem is attempting to make a voice connection only and therefore, while waiting for ringback to disappear, it is also feasible to disconnect upon detection something which is definitely not Voice from the remote, such as any answer tone. The modem provides detection of "ringback" went away or never came. FAX The modem dials and reports call progress to the DTE as in all modes. A fax Class 1 or Class 2 handshake is pursued according to the current configuration. DATA The modem dials and reports call progress to the DTE as in all modes. A data handshake is pursued according to the current configuration. Adaptive Originate (Dial with Voice/Data/Fax Discrimination) The DTE may wish to originate a call which adapts to the remote answerer. For instance, the user may wish to send a voice message if a human picks up the telephone, but a facsimile if a fax machine answers. The modem can facilitate this type of adaptive originate by extending what it does for the directed originate modes. Alter determining that the remote station has picked up the line, the modem goes back to Online Voice Command Mode, thus terminating the "connecting state." Once in this mode, the modem reports what it receives from the answerer via specific result codes to the DTE. The DTE can then have the option of pursuing a data, fax, or voice connection. 8.2.2 Call Establishment - Answer Directed Answer (Answer as a specific modem type) If the DTE wants to be only one kind of answerer (i.e., voice, fax, or data), it can configure the modem to answer exclusively in the chosen mode. VOICE The modem is configured to answer in Voice Mode only and assumes the caller will cooperate. After going off-hook, the voice VCON is issued, no answer tone is generated, and the modem is immediately placed In Online Voice Command Mode. The DTE typically responds by sending a greeting message of some type, and DTMF tone recognition/reporting can be enabled. Eventually, an Incoming voice message can be recorded by the host. (Unpredictable results occur if the caller is not prepared for a voice call.) FAX The modem is configured to answer in Class 1 or Class 2 Fax Mode only, and it assumes the caller is going to cooperate. This configuration has the effect of disabling Voice Mode, forcing FCLASS to either 1 or 2, and forcing both FAA and FAE to 0. DATA The modem is configured to answer in Data Mode only and assumes the caller is going to cooperate. This configuration has the effect of disabling Voice Mode, forcing FCLASS=0, and forcing both FAA and FAE to 0. Adaptive Answer (Answer with Voice/Data/Fax Discrimination) In normal operation, it is desirable for a modem supporting fax and voice to provide the ability to discriminate between the two when answering unsolicited or unattended calls. (It is most often the case that a fax is received or a Voice message recorded when nobody is present.) DATA/FAX Discrimination If the DTE wishes to allow for a data or fax call, the FCLASS and FAA or FAE commands can be configured for adaptive answer between data and Class 1 or Class 2 fax. Voice/Fax Discrimination This is the most important discrimination capability needed from the users standpoint. The modem must be configured for Voice (#CLS=8), causing the modem to enter Online Voice Command Mode immediately upon going off-hook. In Voice Mode, the DTE automatically receives indications of DTMF tones and Calling Tones. The DTE can now switch to Voice Transmit Mode in order to play a greeting message, perhaps one which instructs the caller how to enter specific DTMF sequences to switch modes. The DTE can then react to the response, or the lack thereof, to such a message. The modem supports switching to a Class 1 or Class 2 answer mode by virtue of the #CLS=1 or 2 commands, and if such a switch is made and fails, the modem reports the failure but does not hang up, allowing the DTE further experimentation time. If the user wishes to switch to Class 1 or 2, but also wants the DTE to indeed hang up the line if the fax fails, the FCLASS command should be used instead of the #CLS command. The only difference between these commands is that issuing FCLASS cancels the modems memory of voice, where as #CLS causes the modem to remain off-hook, even if a fax or data handshake fails, until it receives an H command. Voice/Data/Fax Discrimination The DTE can try data modem operation after an answer by changing the #CLS setting to 0. A data handshake attempt can be added based upon DTMF responses or lack thereof. 8.2.3. Voice Data Transfer A significant area of concern when handling the transfer of voice data is the data transfer rate on the modem/DTE interface. Data transfer rates can be expressed as the number of interrupts which must be serviced per time period to keep up. This is a function of the sampling rate and compression method (if any) used by the modem, and the DTE interface speed required to handle the data flow on the telephone line side. Table 8-1 demonstrates the relationship between the sampling rate, interrupt rate, and DTE speed necessary for the modem to support various compression ratios. The 16C550 UART is strongly recommended to support Voice Mode operation, and is essential for MS Windows environments. Table 8-1. 7.2 KHZ Sample Rate DTE Speeds Modem Samples per Required Asynchronous DTE Implied DTE Speed Supported 8-bit Byte Speed (8N1 Format) 2 (4-bits) 36,000 bps 38.4 kbps 2.66 (3-bits) 27,000 bps 38.4 kbps 4 (2-bits) 18,000 bps 19.2 kbps Note: The current exclusive sampling rate Is 7.2 kHz. 8.2.4. Tone and Status Monitoring-- Shielded Statuses The modem can detect specific tones and other status information, and report these to the DTE while in any of the three voice submodes. The modem simultaneously looks for 1300 and 1100 Hz calling tones when answering, and for CCITT and Bell answer tones when originating. The modem can also detect dial or busy tones in any of the three voice submodes. All detected tones, as well as certain other statuses addressed In Table 8-2 such as silence and "teleset off-hook" (i.e., handset off-hook) are reported as shielded codes. When in Online Voice Command Mode or Voice Transmit Mode, the codes in Table 8-2 are sent to the DTE immediately upon verification by the modem of the associated tone, status, or cadence. In this mode, the 2-character code is not buffered, nor does the DTE have the ability to stop the code with flow control. If the DTE has started (but not completed) sending any AT command, the Tone Monitoring function is disabled until the command has been received and processed. The modem can discriminate between single and multiple DTMF tones received. If calling tone, dial tone, busy tone, or answer tone is detected, this detection is reported repeatedly (at reasonable intervals) if the DTE takes no action, and the tone continues to be detected. Table 8-2. Shielded Codes Sent to the DTE Code Sent to DTE Meaning 0-9, DTMF. Digits 0 through 9, *, #, or A through D detected *,#, by the modem, i.e., user has pressed a key on a local or A-D remote telephone. The modem sends only one code per DTMF button pushed. a Answer Tone (CCITT). Send to the DTE when the V.25/T.30 2100 Hz Answer Tone (Data or Fax) is detected. If the DTE fails to react to the code, and the modem continues to detect Answer tone, the code is repeated as often as once every half second. b Busy. Sent in Voice Receive Mode when the busy cadence is detected, after any remaining data in the voice receive buffer. The modem sends the busy b code every 4 seconds if busy continues to be detected and the DTE does not react. This allows the DTE the flexibility of ignoring what could be a false busy detection. c Calling Tone. Sent when the T.30 1100 Hz Calling Tone (Fax Modem) is detected in any of the voice operating modes. The modem assumes that the calling tone is valid and sends this code only after 4 seconds of proper cadence has been detected. If the DTE does not react to the c, and calling tone continues, the code is sent again as often as once every 4 seconds. d Dialtone. Sent In Voice Receive Mode when dial tone is detected after any remaining data in the voice receive buffer. The modem sends the j code every 3 seconds if dial tone continues to be detected and the DTE does not react. This allows the DTE the flexibility of ignoring what could be a false dial tone detection. e European Data Modem Calling Tone. Sent when the V.25 1300 Hz Calling Tone (Data Modem) is detected in a voice submode. The modem assumes that the calling tone is valid, and sends this code only after 4 seconds of proper cadence has been detected. If the DTE does not react to the e and calling tone continues, the code is sent again as often as once every 4 seconds. f Bell Answer Tone. Sent when Bell 2225 Hz Answer Tone (Data) is detected. It the DTE falls to react to the code and the modem continues to detect Answer tone, the code is repeated as often as every 1/2 second. h Hung Up Handset. Sent immediately when the modem detects that the local handset has hung-up (i.e., has transitioned from off-hook to on-hook) while in any of the three voice sub modes. o Overrun. Sent In Voice Receive Mode if the voice receive data buffer overflows, in which case, the latest data is lost in favor of retaining the oldest data in the buffer. (The DTE may not have been reading data from the modem lately.) The modem inserts the o at the end of the buffer, thus marking the location where data was lost by the DTE. The modem does not append o codes to the buffer contiguously. If more than one data byte is lost before the DTE begins reading again, there is only on o code in the data stream. However, if the DTE resumes reading, and then once again allows the buffer to overflow, a new o is appended to the data by the modem. Thus, the o does not indicate how many bytes of contiguous data has been lost, but may report multiple gaps of lost data in the data stream. q Quiet. Sent in Voice Receive Mode following any remaining data in the receive voice buffer when the silence detection timer (#VSP) expires and there has been voice data passed to the DTE. Note that with #VSS=0, the Quiet message never occurs. But with silence deletion turned on, #VSS may not in itself be sufficient since "cracks and pops" for a short duration directly after a connection should not be considered Voice. In general, q is sent if first there was sound, and now there is no sound, and means that somebody has stopped talking, and according to the criteria selected in the #VSP and #VSS settings, is probably not going to start again. If the DTE ignores the q code, the modem automatically resets its timer and sends the code again if the #VSP time period again expires. This allows the DTE time to react to what may be a false silence detection. Table 8-2. Shielded Codes Sent to the DTE (Cont'd) Code Sent to DTE Meaning s Silence. Sent In Voice Receive Mode after the silence detection timer (#VSP) expires and if valid voice has not been detected (#VSS). In general, s is sent if no sound was detected at all. This differs slightly from Quiet (q) in that it can be used by the DTE in its discrimination algorithms as a means of determining if anything at all is coming from the remote station. If the DTE ignores the s code, the modem automatically resets its timer and sends the code again if the #VSP time period again expires. This allows the DTE time to react to what may be a false detection of silence. t Handset Off-Hook. Sent one time when the local handset transition from on-hook to off-hook is detected in any of the three voice submodes. u Underrun. Sent in Voice Transmit Mode when the voice transmit buffer becomes empty without receiving a or command first. The modem remains in transmit mode, but issues the u to indicate that silence is being generated. When the DTE resumes sending bytes, the modem allows a small number of bytes to build up in the buffer before re-enabling the transmitter to avoid repeated underruns. However, with the underrun condition, the modem does not wait for the XOFF threshold (or timer) to be met before resuming, as it does on an initial transmit or resume operation because the remote listener may be unaware of the underrun, and keeping the silence short may serve to mask the underrun altogether. End of Stream. is sent to denote the end of a voice data stream, similar to fax Class1 and 2. This occurs in Voice Receive Mode only after the DTE issues the key abort. 8.2.5. Shielded Commands from the DTE Most commands issued for voice are implemented as extensions to the AT command set, and are accepted only if the modem is in a valid command mode, such as Online Voice Command Mode. However, there are some operations which are available to the DTE without necessitating a switch to Online Voice Command Mode. The most obvious of these is the which the DTE issues during Voice Transmit Mode to terminate an output message. Table 8-3 lists shielded commands recognized by the modem. 8.2.6. Voice Record To effect recording of a message received via a handset or microphone, the DTE must configure the modem for Voice Mode (#CLS=8), and select the proper relay setup (#VLS) to instruct the modem whether to use the auxiliary device. The modem responds to the #VLS command by issuing a relay activate command to select the input device. When a device other than the telephone line is selected, the modem immediately enters Online Voice Command Mode (indicated by VCON). DTMF detection is therefore enabled as soon as the DTE selects the device, such as a handset, although the user still needs to physically pick up the telephone and "press buttons." Even if the DTE has not entered Voice Receive or Transmit Modes (#VTX or #VRX), those DTMF tones are delivered via shielded codes identically to when a physical telephone connection exists but the DTE has not yet commanded receive or transmit. When the DTE decides to record the message, it issues the #VRX command and upon command receipt, the modem immediately switches to Voice Receive Mode. Since the microphone or handset is switched in, the modem immediately issues the CONNECT message indicating that the modem has switched to Voice Receive Mode and is beginning the transfer of ADPCM voice data as well as shielded DTMF tones, and other tones and statuses. In this recording state, the modem (if so configured) monitors for line silence. If the #VSP period expires, the modem sends the q or s code to the DTE. Recording can be canceled only via two events: 1. The DTE sends any character to the modem. This is the key abort, and is the normal method of terminating the receive mode. 2. The S30 deadman timer expires, which is generally an undesired event. Table 8-3. Shielded DTE Codes Code Sent to Meaning Modem Terminate. Sent during Voice Transmit Mode to indicate that the DTE has finished transmitting a Voice message. The modem completes transmission of any remaining data in the Voice transmit buffer before responding with the VCON message and entering Online Voice Command Mode. (This command is ignored by the modem when not in Voice Transmit Mode.) Cancel. Sent during Voice Transmit Mode to indicate that the DTE has finished transmitting a Voice message and wants the modem to discard any remaining data in the voice transmit buffer. The modem immediately purges its buffer, and then responds with the VCON message entering online Voice Command Mode. (This command is ignored by the modem when not in Voice Transmit Mode.) p Pause. Sent during Voice Transmit Mode to force the modem to suspend sending Voice data to the selected output device(s). Any data currently in the Voice transmit buffer is saved until either a resume (r), or cancel , is received, in which case the data is lost. If a is received during the paused state, the modem processes it normally, and also automatically resumes transmission of the data left in the buffer (appended with ). Any other data received from the DTE while in this paused state is placed in the transmit buffer according to available space, with flow control active. (This command is ignored in other Voice submodes.) r Resume. Sent during Voice Transmit Mode to force the modem to resume sending voice data to the selected output device(s). Any data currently in the Voice transmit buffer is now played. (This command is ignored in other Voice modes.) The pause and resume commands are different than a simple suspension of data; data in the buffer is "frozen" and not played when the DTE pauses. 8.2.7. Voice Playback To effect playback of a message recorded via a handset or microphone, or of a message recorded during a voice call, the DTE must configure the modem for Voice Mode (#CLS=8) and select the proper relay setup (#VLS) to instruct the modem whether to use the handset or speaker. The modem responds to the #VLS command by issuing a relay activate command to select the input device. The hardware must provide a means of selecting a handset and/or microphone instead of the telephone line, as this input device. When a device other that the telephone line is selected, the modem immediately enters Online Voice Command Mode (indicated by VCON). DTMF detection is thus enabled as soon as the DTE selects the device, such as a handset, although the user still needs to physically pick up the telephone before he can issue DTMF tones. Once selected, however, the user can indeed pick up the telephone and "press buttons." Even if the DTE has not entered Voice Receive or Transmit Modes (#VTX or #VRX), these DTMF tones are delivered via shielded codes, identically to when a physical telephone connection exists but the DTE has not yet commanded receive nor transmit. When the DTE decides to play the message, it issues the #VTX command, and the modem immediately switches to Voice Transmit Mode. Since the speaker or handset is already switched in, the modem immediately issues the CONNECT message indicating that the modem is in Voice Transmit Mode and is expecting Voice data from the DTE. A subsequent has to be issued to switch back to Online Voice Command Mode. 8.2.8. Voice Call Termination Local Disconnect The DTE can disconnect from a telephone call by commanding a mode change to Online Voice Command Mode (if not already in it), and by issuing the H command. Remote Disconnect Detection When In Voice Receive Mode, the modem sends the proper shielded code when loop break, dial tone, or busy tone is detected. The modem stays in Voice Receive Mode, however, until the DTE issues a key abort to force Online Voice Command Mode. The DTE must issue the H command if it wishes to hang up. 8.2.9. Mode Switching Voice to Fax If the modem is in Online Voice Command Mode (i.e. it has gone off-hook with #CLS=8 in effect), the DTE can attempt a fax handshake by setting #CLS=1 or #CLS=2 followed by the A or D command corresponding to fax receive or send. This has the effect of beginning a fax Class 1 or Class 2 handshake (see #CLS command). Unsuccessful Fax Connection Attempt to Voice A fax handshake which does not succeed, attempted as the result of the DTE modifying the #CLS setting from voice (8) to fax (1 or 2) does not result in the modem hanging up, allowing the DTE the flexibility of commanding a switch back to Voice Mode with #CLS=8. Voice to Data If the modem is in the Online Voice Command Mode the DTE can attempt a data handshake by setting #CLS=0 followed by the A or D command. This has the effect of beginning a Data Mode handshake according to the current Data Mode S-register and command settings. Unsuccessful Data Connection Attempt to Voice A data handshake which does not succeed attempted as the result of the DTE modifying the #CLS setting from voice (8) to data (0), does not result in the modem hanging up, allowing the DTE the flexibility of commanding a switch back to Voice Mode with #CLS=8. 8.2.10. Caller ID (Not supported on Zoltrix Models) The modem supports Caller ID by passing the information received in Bell 202 FSK format to the DTE after the first RING detect. The modem supports both formatted and unformatted reporting of Caller ID information received in ICLID (Incoming Call Line ID) format as supported in certain areas of the U.S. and Canada. The DTE enables this feature via the #CID command. 8.3. AT VOICE COMMAND SUMMARY Table 8-4 provides a complete summary of the AT voice commands described in detail in Sections 8.3.1 and 8.3.2. 8.3.1. Global AT Command Set Extensions The AT commands in the following section are global meaning that they can be issued in any appropriate mode (i.e., any #CLS setting). For consistency, the command set is divided into action commands and parameters (non-action commands). Those commands which are action commands (i.e., those which cause some change in the current operating behavior of the modem) are identified as such, and the remaining commands are parameters. ATA - Answering In Voice The answer action command works analogously to the way it works in Data and Fax Modes except for the following: 1. When configured for Voice Mode (#CLS=8), the modem enters Online Voice Command Mode immediately after going off-hook. When the #CLS=8 command is issued, the modem can be programmed to look for 1100 and 1300 Hz calling tones (see #VTD), thus eliminating the need to do so as part of A command processing. After the VCON message is issued the modem re-enters Online Voice Command Mode while sending any incoming DTMF or Calling Tone indications to the DTE as described In Section 8.2.5. 2. After answering in Voice Mode (#CLS=8) the DTE, as part of its call discrimination processing can decide to change the #CLS setting to attempt receiving a fax in Class 1 or to make a data connection. In such a case the DTE commands the modem to proceed with the data or fax handshake via the A command even though the modem is already off-hook. Result Code: VCON Issued in Voice Mode (#CLS=8) immediately after going off-hook. Table 8-4. AT Voice Command Command Function A Answering in Voice Mode. D Dial command in Voice Mode. H Hang up in Voice Mode. Z Reset from Voice Mode. #BDR Select baud rate (turn off auto baud). #CID Enable Caller ID detection and select reporting format. #CLS Select data fax or voice #MDL? Identify model. #MFR? Identify manufacturer. #REV? Identify revision level. #VBQ? Query buffer size. #VBS Bits per sample (ADPCM). #VBT Beep tone timer. #VCI? Identify compression method (ADPCM). #VLS Voice line select (ADPCM). #VRA Ringback goes away timer (originate). #VRN Ringback never c
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http://www.modemtools.com/fvcentral.htm http://www.vocal.com/ http://www.smarthome.com/1450.html http://www.mtnsys.com/pages/howto/htwavedr.htm http://www.modemtools.com/ivr.htm http://www.voicecallcentral.com/ivg.htm http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/translations/id/other-formats/html/ID-Hardware-HOWTO-17.html http://www.voicemailspecial.com/faq.htm http://yippee.wxc.net.nz/html/win/utilities/modemtoolsandaccessories.htm http://www.geocrawler.com/archives/3/83/2000/8/0/4244606/ http://e-www.motorola.com/collateral/SM56_DRIVERS.html http://www.att.net/cgi-bin/websearch?cmd=qry&qry=voice modem http://www.compume.com/configure/inout/default.asp?c=5&sec=2 再找看看了 發表人 - jackkcg 於 2002/10/12 11:48:22
最會的2大絕招 這個不會與那個也不會 哈哈哈 粉好

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