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#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-06-09 02:19:02 IP:163.28.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
請問一下,我安裝openwebmail套件時發現要求安裝libnet,這個套件要安裝時會問幾個問題,請問這幾個問題要如何設呢?再來如何去對這個libnet作反安裝呢?我問了幾個討論區都沒人回答,希望在此的高手能幫我解答一下,我是用 openwebmail6.0版本.


#2 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-06-09 09:07:56 IP:203.204.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
libnet 我是沒有安裝過,從它的官方網站 http://www.packetfactory.net/Projects/Libnet/ 好像沒有提供 RPM 的套件,從網路找到以下 RPM 的版本    Name : libnet-static   Version : 1.0.2a  Vendor : PLD  Release : 5  Date : 2002-05-01   http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/idpl/187843/idpa/187843/stat/4    Name : libnet-devel   Version : 1.0.2a  Vendor : PLD  Release : 5  Date : 2002-05-01   http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/idpl/187817/idpa/187817/stat/4    Name : libnet   Version : 1.0.2a  Vendor : PLD  Release : 5  Date : 2002-05-01   http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/idpl/187848/idpa/187848/stat/4    至於 RPM 套件的安裝/解安裝可以參考以下 Red Hat 的說明:
    Red Hat Developer Module Archive CD
-----------------------------------    The Developer Module Archive  CD is a collection of modules and addons for
Perl, Python, R, and Zope.  Packaged in RPM format, it is trivial to install.
If you choose not to keep one, its very easy with RPM to remove it from your
disk.    To install a package from the Developer Module Archive CD, you must first
become super-user on your system. This can be done by the command:      'su'    (You can also login as 'root' from the login prompt.)    You will be prompted for the root password.  After entering the password, you
will be the super-user.    Mount the CD-ROM in your drive and then change directory ('cd') to the
directory containing the RPM you want to install. Zope packages are located in
Zope/i386, Python in Python/i386, R in R/i386, and, you guessed right, CPAN in
CPAN/i386.    Then type:      'rpm -Uvh '    Where  is the name of the RPM you wish to install. Some other
commands you should know:    To query a list of the RPMs already installed on your system:      'rpm -qa'    (You will probably want to pipe the output of this command through 'less', for
easier viewing.)    To see if a particular package is installed on your system:      'rpm -q '    To uninstall a package from your system:      'rpm -e '    The  does not include the extension for the RPM file on the cd.
For example, to install the package 'perl-libnet-1.0605-1.i386.rpm':      'rpm -Uvh perl-libnet-1.0605-1.i386.rpm'    To query the package for infomration after installation:      'rpm -qi perl-libnet'    And to query a package before installation:      'rpm -qip  perl-libnet-1.0605-1.i386.rpm'    To see what files were installed from this package:      'rpm -ql perl-libnet'    To uninstall perl-libnet from your system:      'rpm -e perl-libnet'    BE SURE TO LOGOUT AFTER INSTALLING PACKAGES WITH RPM. You can do considerable
damage as the super-user if you are not sure of what you are doing.  Only use
it to install and remove packages unless you KNOW what you are doing!    For more info on RPM, check out the Red Hat website at http://www.redhat.com,
or the RPM website at http://www.rpm.org.  The command 'rpm --help' gives
verbose information on running rpm.  There is also 'man'.    The book "Maximum RPM" describes the use of RPM in great detail, and can be
purchased from Red Hat, Inc.              Thanks,              The Red Hat Engineering Team    
系統時間:2024-09-20 0:22:04
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