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Wiki 被用在出版平台的建構



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-08-02 16:55:32 IP:220.132.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
Wiki 被用在出版平台的建構 KTOP 應該可以利用這東西來進行資料整理 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MediaWiki http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki From MediaWiki To install MediaWiki, you will need any operating system (GNU/Linux is suggested), any web server (apache2 is suggested), PHP >= 4.3 (PHP 4.3.11 is suggested) and MySQL >= 3.23 (MySQL 4.0.23 is suggested). You do not need a specific software to manage MySQL but such tool may help you for backups and other tasks (phpMyAdmin 2.6.1 is suggested). MediaWiki ships with an installation utility which will enable you to install it using your Web browser. If you do not operate your own server and have only access to one database, mind that MediaWiki is able to share its database with other applications. You don't need to know SQL, HTML, XHTML or CSS. A basic knowledge of PHP is required if you need to modify the configuration files. Contents [hide] 1 MediaWiki Versions 2 Documentation 3 Download 4 Communication 5 Skins 6 Wikimedia Sites 7 Development and Usage 8 Important Release Notes 8.1 Stable releases series 1.4.x 8.2 Beta preview releases 1.5 [edit] MediaWiki Versions 台灣災難都是事後算帳 無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)為什麼沒大量應用於救災行列
系統時間:2024-07-04 2:47:54
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