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yeahware 網站的停用usb範例



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-07-09 14:20:51 IP:220.132.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
http://www.yeahware.com/ What's going on here?! Sorry, after viewing our old website on Opera and Netscape we decided to set up a new website that'll be compatible with all of that browsers (the old website wasn't ) Unfortunately it will take some time to realize this. So, stay tuned (once again) and have fun with the current provisional page! Downloads ywTray32 Wizard Especially for our BetaTesters! This is the first release of one of TrayXPerience's gimmicks. ywTray32.dll is a Dynamic Link Library, designed for all Windows platforms, that is implementing true-color support to Windows' system tray. FastSwitch A WTS (Windows Terminal Services) example using WTSRegisterSessionNotification(), WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification() and WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId(). Made with a little help of my friend Mathias Simmack. So, what do you guess? Yeah, full nonVCL Delphi source code is included! HardWiz A small command-line utility to run the hardware wizard for a given device setup class programmatically. Original VC code was written by Alex Dumov. Again, Mathias assisted me with this project. In fact, he almost did the whole conversion! :o) Delphi source code included. Bugreport Found a bug in one of our products? Please use bugreport@yeahware.com or the Bugreport form below to contact us. Name e-mail Program System Text Research Here are some small code samples that we made for fellow programmers around the world. All archives contain full source code and binaries. Period Delphi (Object Pascal) code. Returns result of a given division including period. ServMet Delphi (Object Pascal) code. Reads and processes eDonkey's server.met files. Mixer Delphi (Object Pascal) code. A Windows Volume Control replacement. For educational purposes only! Enable Delphi (Object Pascal) code. Delphi conversion of the "Enable and Disable Devices" example found in the NTDDK (src/general/setup/Enable). Eject Delphi (Object Pascal) code. Enhanced version of the "Enable and Disable Devices" application above, that is able to eject (remove) Firewire/USB harddisks, USB sticks and PCMCIA cards. TimedMsgBox Delphi (Object Pascal) code. Timed MessageBox, that disappears after a certain timeout. EnumAtoms Delphi (Object Pascal) code. Enumerates (and shows) all global kernel and user atoms. © 2004 by yeahware · markus@yeahware.com ////////////////////////////////////// yeahware 網站的停用usb範例 之前 axsoft 版主 有介紹過 【問題】USB隨身碟的拔除或退出硬體方法 http://delphi.ktop.com.tw/topic.php?topic_id=44316


#2 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2007-11-01 09:57:22 IP:61.220.xxx.xxx 訂閱
EnumAtoms.zip 解壓縮後, 自己用 Delphi 7 Enterprise (安裝到 Update 1) 編譯
執行 ShowGlobalAtoms.exe 產生錯誤訊息:
Enumerate Global Atoms發生問題, 必須關閉, 僅此致歉
但是如果直接執行 EnumAtoms.zip 中提供的 ShowGlobalAtoms.exe 則正常

另外還有一個對話盒視窗出現    Application Error
Exception EResNotFound in module ShowGlobalAtoms.exe at 00059400.
Resource TForm1 not found.

pcboy 重新編輯於 2007-11-01 09:59:55, 註解 無‧
系統時間:2024-07-03 2:25:35
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