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Specializing in low-level Windows programming



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http://www.oneysoft.com/     Specializing in low-level Windows programming SM Specializing in low-level Windows programming -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hands-on WDM Seminars taught by Experts Basic and advanced driver programming Click here for more info New seminar dates added for Germany and the US in 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We do drivers We write custom drivers for companies all over the world. Contact us for: Virtual serial ports (Win98/Me, Win2K/Xp) PC/SC (SmartCard) readers Nonstandard HID devices Instrumentation and sensor applications Any sort of USB device Our productivity and expertise can get you a top-quality driver quicker and for less money than practically anyone else, anywhere in the world. Read more about our currently shipping ONEYCCID.SYS driver for USB SmartCard readers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Books Updates & ErrataSept. 26, 2003 Service Packs for Sample ProgramsUpdated June 12, 2003 Should I buy the 2d edition? Updates & Errata Jan. 9, 2002 Service Packs for Sample Programs Updated Dec. 17, 2001 Errata Availability Windows 95 DDK Annotations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Software Downloads File Compare Utility for Windows(Shareware) Updated Aug. 4, 1999 Shell Extension Wizard (Freeware) Updated Sept. 1, 1998 WdmCheck Utility for Windows 98 (Freeware) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walter Oney Software 4 Longfellow Place Boston, MA 02114 Telephone: (617) 227-5620 Fax: (617) 227-5760 For more information, contact waltoney@oneysoft.com Walter Oney Software and the line-of-business thumbnails are service marks of Walter Oney. Images and content Copyright © 1997 by Walter Oney; all rights reserved. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// 使用該老舊軟體時 最好至測試機 否則很可能會發生os意外
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