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專業程式碼編輯器(二)-ConTEXT (it's FREE!)



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【軟體名稱】專業程式碼編輯器(二)-ConTEXT (it's FREE!) 【軟體版本】New version 0.97.2a [1.03MB] 【軟體語系】多國語系版(支援繁體中文) 【作業系統】For Windows 【官方網站】http://fixedsys.com/context/main.html 【直接下載】http://fixedsys.com/context/ConTEXTsetup.exe 【軟體說明】     ConTEXT is a small, fast and powerful text editor, developed mainly to serve as secondary tool for software developers. After years and years searching for suitable Windows text editor, I haven't found any of them to completely satisfy my needs, so I wrote my own. This editor is freeware. Anyway, I'd like to hear your comments and suggestions, to discuss about it and implement it in future versions. Features * unlimited open files * unlimited editing file size, 4kB line length * powerful syntax highlighting for: * C/C * Delphi/Pascal * Java * JavaScript * Visual Basic * Perl/CGI * HTML * SQL * FoxPro * 80x86 assembler * Python * PHP * Tcl/Tk * powerful custom defined syntax highlighter * multilanguage support (supported languages: English, German, French, Croatian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Esperanto, Spanish, Galego, Italian, Hungarian, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Slovakian, Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian, Slovenian, Turkish) * project workspaces support * unicode UTF8 support * code templates * customizable help files for each file type * file explorer with favorites list * export to HTML/RTF * conversion DOS->UNIX->Macintosh file formats * editing position remembering across files * macro recorder * commenting/uncommenting code * text sort * normal and columnar text selection * bookmarks * find and replace text in all open files * C/Java-style block auto indent/outdent * customizable color printing with print preview * exporting configuration stored in registry * customizable syntax highlighting colors, cursor shapes, right margin, gutter, line spacing... * user definable execution keys, depending on file type * capturing console applications standard output * compiler output parser for positioning on error line * powerful command line handler * install and uninstall * minimize to system tray * it's FREE! 網海無涯,學無止境!
系統時間:2024-07-02 11:13:35
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