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84xxWindowsSDK 关于控制Filter



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2003-10-08 15:30:51 IP:218.108.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
各位高手,我有一段84xxWindowsSDK,用来控制Realmagic解压卡声道,但我Delphi才刚刚入门,不知道怎么调用它来控制声道,忘各位Delphi高手帮个忙,我用的是Delphi6 DSPack2.3 REALmagic DirectShow Decoder Filter IMPEGTimeInfo interface("sdinterf.h") Sets and gets audio output directed to the digital to analog audio converter (“sdinterf.h”) (DAC), to S/PDIF AC3 or S/PDIF PCM; specifies the left channel, right channel or stereo as source (for Karaoke applications) GUID // {AEB23DA0-54BB-11d2-BD98-0080ADB67301} DEFINE_GUID(IID_IAudioOutput, 0xaeb23da0, 0x54bb, 0x11d2, 0xbd, 0x98, 0x0, 0x80, 0xad, 0xb6, 0x73, 0x1);; Supported API interface IAudioOutput : public IUnknown { public: STDMETHOD(GetOutput)(PAUDIO_OUTPUT pAudioOutput) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetOutput)(AUDIO_OUTPUT AudioOutput) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetMode)(PAUDIO_MODE pAudioMode) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetMode)(AUDIO_MODE AudioMode) PURE; }; GetOuput SetOutput Outputs audio on the RCA connector or S/PDIF connector using PCM (with RCA connector only) or AC3/DTS compressed format (Dolby Digital). DIGITAL_AUDIO (=0) – Sound decoded and played through the On-board DAC. PCM_AUDIO (=1) – Sound decoded and played through Quasar S/PDIF output (Orange RCA connector). This mode does not exist on NetStream 2000/Ventura 2000/Symphony/Xcard, or any product using the 8400 or more recent chip because S/PDIF and DAC are simultaneously enabled. AC3_AUDIO (=2) – Sound is not decoded (However, for MPEG2 audio sources, sound is output as stereo PCM) and sent through Quasar S/PDIF output (Orange RCA connector). GetMode SetMode Outputs the left or right channel (when content is stereo or joint stereo) to both speakers, or resets to stereo (i.e. left channel on left speaker and right channel on right speaker). STEREO (=0) – Source is stereo. LEFT_ONLY (=1) – Left channel on both speakers. RIGHT_ONLY (=2) – Right channel on both speakers.
系統時間:2024-07-04 4:43:31
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