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#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-08-04 00:38:04 IP:61.70.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
真希望有人拿bcb去寫rpg遊戲 仙劍奇俠傳應該可以用bcb來寫ㄅ 哪裡有bcb寫的遊戲範例阿 劉維翔


#2 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-08-04 16:25:15 IP:163.31.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
引言: 真希望有人拿bcb去寫rpg遊戲 仙劍奇俠傳應該可以用bcb來寫ㄅ 哪裡有bcb寫的遊戲範例阿 劉維翔
BCB寫即時戰略,角色扮演的軟體實在是很Easy也效率極佳! Visaul C 能做的,BCB也能作! 時間就是金錢---[ 發問前請先找找舊文章]


#3 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-08-04 18:07:25 IP:61.216.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
請問有現成的資料或範例嗎? 謝謝 智慧是命運的征服者


#4 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-08-04 20:27:03 IP:61.70.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
多謝版主 那我暫時可以不用學vc 的苦了 學這個沒學幾天就要峰了 我是個高職生 也是個bcb和delphi愛好者 但是 我因為沒什麼錢 bcb用下在的 ㄏㄏㄏ 希望版主能提供我幾個rpg範例遊戲( bcb寫的) 獲小遊戲都可以 劉維翔


#5 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-08-05 15:39:16 IP:61.218.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
引言: 多謝版主 那我暫時可以不用學vc 的苦了 學這個沒學幾天就要峰了 我是個高職生 也是個bcb和delphi愛好者 但是 我因為沒什麼錢 bcb用下在的 ㄏㄏㄏ 希望版主能提供我幾個rpg範例遊戲( bcb寫的) 獲小遊戲都可以 劉維翔
這有一堆有關遊戲寫作的資料 Latte Game Research Center 拿鐵遊戲研究院 http://latte.fanmesh.com/top.php 毛毛工作室 http://www.mmwr.idv.tw/ http://www.gdse.com/servlet/gdse.main 3D Game Development http://home.kimo.com.tw/zhobo/ VAMPYR的遊戲設計世界 http://home.kimo.com.tw/vampyr1997/ ZL 遊戲引擎研究 http://zho.shsite.com.tw/ HAM Gameboy Advance Kit http://www.ngine.de/projects.html Gameboy advance development kit. GLView Extension Browser http://v3x.net/realtech/glview.html Driver and extension browser. Hephaestus RPG Kit http://kuoi.asui.uidaho.edu/~kamikaze/Hephaestus/ Freeware RPG construction kit. Anti-Grain Geometry Rendering http://www.antigrain.com/ A vector graphics library, with information on techniques. CamStudio Desktop Video Capture http://www.codeproject.com/tools/camstudio.asp An open-source project illustrating how to capture desktop activity to a video file under Windows. The Netwide Assembler http://nasm.2y.net/ A well-established, free assembler. SciTE - Scintilla Text Editor http://www.scintilla.org/SciTE.html Programmer's text editor. WideStudio GUI Utility http://www.widestudio.org/EE/index.html An IDE for developing GUI apps on various OSes. Kyra SDL Sprite Library http://www.grinninglizard.com/kyra/ Isometric sprite engine. Kludge 3D Modeler http://kludge3d.sourceforge.net/ Simple polygonal modeler. GLTrace OpenGL Utility http://www.hawksoft.com/gltrace/ Traces OpenGL calls from a program. Stellarium Sky Generator http://stellarium.free.fr/ Sky/star generation program. DirectX Port Project http://www.v3x.net/directx/ A Direct3D->OpenGL wrapper project. Helios OpenGL Library http://www.nutty.org/nuttylib.html An OpenGL programming library. EGG Particle Script Interpreter http://lyrian.obnix.com/egg/ Free particle script interpreter. Corona Image Library http://www.aegisknight.org/corona An open source image libary. Graphics Algorithm Workbench http://www.crbond.com/graph_app.htm#Graphics Algorithm Workbench "This Workbench allows the user to write simple programs in a C-like language with support for a large set of graphics primitives." Wavelet Image Compression http://www.maven.de/ Wavelet image compression program, with source. Grid Algorithms Library http://www.math.tu-cottbus.de/~berti/gral/ "GrAL is a generic library for grid (or mesh) data structures and algorithms operating on them." Anjuta Development Studio http://anjuta.sourceforge.net/ MSVC-like IDE for linux. AnyEdit Programmer's Editor http://www.anyedit.org/ A free programmer's text editor. OpenGL Extension Loading Library http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uli2/ An extension loading library for OpenGL applications. Information Installer System http://www.treality.freeserve.co.uk/install.html Free software installer package. BulletML Particle Applet http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~cs8k-cyu/bulletml/bulletml_applet_e.html Configurable particle simulator for 'bullets' in arcade games. Hexagon Map Construction Kit http://www.kynosarges.de/Hexkit.html "Hexkit is short for hexagon map construction kit a construction kit for turn-based strategy games played on maps that are divided into hexagons." The Texture Garden http://www.texturegarden.com/ An animated algorithmic texture generator. Zeus Programmer's Editor http://www.zeusedit.com "It offers a host of features that make the task of writing code easier and more productive." Detecting COM Memory Leaks http://www.distobj.com/comleaks.htm Software to show how COM memory leaks can be found. Matrix Template Library http://www.osl.iu.edu/research/mtl/ "The Matrix Template Library (MTL) is a high-performance generic component library that provides comprehensive linear algebra functionality for a wide variety of matrix formats." DebugView For Windows http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/freeware/debugview.shtml "DebugView is an application that lets you monitor debug output on your local system, or any computer on the network that you can reach via TCP/IP. " Inno Setup Installer http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php A free installer-maker. Spirit Parser Framework http://spirit.sourceforge.net/ "Spirit is an object oriented recursive descent parser generator framework implemented using template meta-programming techniques." The GOLD Parser http://www.devincook.com/goldparser/ "The GOLD Parser is a new, free parser generator that you can use to develop your own compilers and emulators." Block Sorting Compression http://sourceforge.net/projects/compression/ "This is an academic project. A library and a sample program will be developed, that will implement the Burrows-Wheeler compression algorithm, using C and templates." CPW OpenGL Library http://www.mathies.com/cpw/ "Cpw is a context based windowing and event library for OpenGL applications and games." PocketFrog Game Library http://frogengine.net-connect.net/pocketpc/pocketfrog.html PocketPC game programming library. Wings 3D Modeler http://www.wings3d.com/ A free 3D modeler based on Nendo. FontMapper Font Utility http://www.teridianshadow.com/~ltan/software.html "Lets you save Windows fonts as bitmaps, also outputs character widths to a .cpp file." aPLib Compression Library http://home19.inet.tele.dk/jibz/apack/products_aPLib.html "aPLib is a 32bit compression library based on the compression algorithm used in aPACK (my executable packer). aPLib is an easy-to-use alternative to many of the heavy-weight compression libraries available." ClearParse Open Edition http://clearparse.sourceforge.net/ "ClearParse Open Edition is an efficient, GPL-licensed, general-purpose, top-down parsing engine with practically unlimited backtracking capability." FSRad Radiosity Processor http://www.fluidstudios.com/fsrad.html "FSRad is a new radiosity processor specialized for lightmap generation. Given a geometric database, FSRad will generate tightly packed lightmaps for your scene, remap the scene for these new lightmaps, slice polygons when necessary to allow them to stay within the lightmap resolution and illuminate the scene using a very precise radiostiy solution." The Purple Lib Project http://www.bunnz.com Described as "an innovative, flexible and highly object oriented game engine." Aamon C Library http://sourceforge.net/projects/aamon "Aamon is a C library offering multithreaded synchronization and communication supporting typed mobile objects aimed to client-server application development." Mozart Programming System http://www.mozart-oz.org/ "The Mozart Programming System is an advanced development platform for intelligent, distributed applications." Quest3D Application Software http://www.quest3d.com "Quest3D is a system for developing applications. An application can be a game, a presentation or anything else that runs on a computer." Seer Scripting Language http://home.elka.pw.edu.pl/~ppodsiad/seer/ "SeeR is a free multipurpose C-like scripting library." GODL - Game Scripting Language http://www.geocities.com/serge_tr/godl/ According to the site, "GODL is a procedural, concurrent, object-oriented scripting language, designed for use in real-time game engines." libcomprex - Compression Library http://www.gnupdate.org/components/libcomprex/index.xml According to the site, "The libcomprex library transparently handles automatic compression and decompression of files." Interactive BRDF Browser http://graphics.stanford.edu/~smr/brdf/bv/ Interactive browser for BRDFs. The 3D Game Maker http://www.the3dgamemaker.com/ 3D game software for non-programmers. zziplib Decompression Library http://zziplib.sourceforge.net/ For reading zip files. CharacterFX Animation Package http://www.insanesoftware.f2s.com/ Character animation software. Java GameForm Toolkit http://home.swipnet.se/carlin/gameform/ 2D game toolkit for Java. Python NURBS Module http://runten.tripod.com/NURBS/index.html A Python NURBS module. Ricore Game Toolkit http://ricore.idevgames.com/ Free, cross-platform game toolkit. BCB DX Library http://bcbdirectx.sourceforge.net/ DirectX library for use with Borland C Builder. SimulAxion Physics Engine http://simulaxion.sourceforge.net/ Described as "a GPL realtime physics engine under development written in Java." Genu - C Modeling Interface http://www.gel.ulaval.ca/~dumais01/genu/ Described as "an interface to C which respond to some hiatus of the langage." GLASS 3D Library http://glass.sourceforge.net/ Described as "a 3D library, designed to make easy use of structured models in open GL applications." Aztec 3D Modeler http://sourceforge.net/projects/aztec Open source 3D modeler project. Crystal Entity Layer http://cel.sourceforge.net/ Crystal Space spin-off project for entity management. JEDI-SDL - Object Pascal http://www.savagesoftware.com.au/DelphiGamer/JEDI-SDL/ A port of SDL for object pascal. Tile Studio Utility Set http://www.cs.kun.nl/is/ts/ Utility set for 2D tile game development. OGRE - Graphics Library http://ogre.sourceforge.net/ Described as "a class library written in C designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce games and demos utilising 3D hardware." Smooth Windowing Toolkit http://smooth.sourceforge.net/ A windowing toolkit. Seamless Tile Generator http://www.users.qwest.net/~sharman1/stile99.htm#stile A free utility for generating textures. FractalGUI Heightmap Generator http://www.laeuchli.com/jesse/fractal5.htm A free utility to generate heightmaps. Blitz Basic Language http://www.blitzbasic.com/ A simple language for game programming. amp11 Audio-MPEG Decoder http://www.ph.tum.de/~nbeisert/amp11.html Described as "an Audio-MPEG decoder based on the binfile classes. It decodes almost every Audio-MPEG streams you'll come across, most importantly the famous MP3 files." Game Maker Software http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/markov/kids/gmaker/index.html A 'no coding' game making toolkit. The UVMapper Utility http://home.pb.net/~stevecox/uvmapper.htm A texture UV mapping tool. OPCODE - Collision Detection http://www.codercorner.com/Opcode.htm Described as "a new small collision detection library. It is similar to popular packages such as SOLID or RAPID, but more memory-friendly, and often faster." glBase - OpenGL Framework http://www.futurenation.net/glbase/ Described as "framework for developing simple OpenGL applications. It uses GLUT, so it should be fairly portable." SWIFT Collision Detection http://www.cs.unc.edu/~geom/SWIFT / Described as "a collision detection package capable of detecting intersection, performing tolerance verification, computing approximate and exact distance, or determining the contacts between pairs of objects in a scene composed of general rigid polyhedral models." PasScript - Object Pascal Interpreter http://virtlabor.chat.ru/passcript/index.htm Described as "an interpreter of a vast subset of the Object Pascal language which includes ordinal, real, variant, procedural, pointer, file, record, set, array and class types," Cal3D - Character Animation Library http://cal3d.sourceforge.net/ Described as "a skeletal based 3d character animation library written in C in a platform-/graphic API-independent way. " Open Quartz Project http://www.planetquake.com/gg/openquartz.html "GPL content - including models, maps, sounds and textures - which is required for a fully GPL game using the GPL Quake source." WndTabs Visual C Add-In http://www.wndtabs.com/ A handy VC add-in utility. DXTC Compression Source http://www.nucleus.com/~dorie/dxtctest/ A DXTC compression application with source code. Python Game Development http://pygame.seul.org/ Home of the PyGame python library. Java Fractal Generator http://jame.sourceforge.net/ "java advanced fractals generator by Andrea Medeghini" Run Time Assembler http://europa.spaceports.com/~schueler/asm/ A run-time assembler project by Christian Schler. jEdit Programmer's Text Editor http://www.jedit.org/ Open source java-written text editor for coders. The Verse Project http://verse.sourceforge.net/ According to the site, "Verse is a network protocol, for three-dimensional, client/server graphic applications, designed to let anyone build and distribute a 3D "world" on the Internet (or any other TCP/IP network, of course). " visualJockey Animation Software http://www.visualjockey.com/index_en.php?set=2 According to the site, "The visualJockey is a highly optimized realtime animation software for Windows 98/SE/ME/2000. " The KDevelop Project http://fara.cs.uni-potsdam.de/~smeier/www/ C/C IDE for Unix/Linux. ppModeler - Portable 3D Modeler http://webplaza.pt.lu/public/saunier/ppmodeler.html A portable 3D modeler. Mesa 3D Graphics Library http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/ According to the site, "Mesa is a 3-D graphics library with an API which is very similar to that of OpenGL." Syntextic Studio - Texture Editor http://www.efd.lth.se/~d00mas/ According to the site, "The idea of Syntextic Studio is to create an enviroment for two kinds of users. Users which just want to create textures modifying the "already-made" scripts. They can play with the parameters and adjust them in their needs. The other kind of users are those who codes theirs own texture scripts using ATEGEL. Those scripts can be later be distributed as source format or compiled." OpenFX 3D Modeler http://openfx.org/news/index.php According to the site, "OpenFX is an Open-Source 3D modeling, animation and rendering suite created by Dr. Stuart Ferguson." Milkshape 3D Modeler http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft/ A shareware low-poly modeler. Combat Simulator Project http://www.users.qwest.net/~boddman/csp/ According to the team, "The goal of the CSP is to create platform independent combat simulators that will interoperate with one another in a large multi-player environment." PyGLUT - Python Glut Binding http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~acox/PyGlut/index.html According to the site, "PyGLUT makes GLUT available from the Python interpreter. It exposes everything from GLUT 3.7 including the API version 4 stuff related to games (fullscreen modes for example). Most importantly, it allows Python functions to be registered as callbacks. " pEdit - Bezier Patch Editor http://nate.scuzzy.net/pedit/ An open source Bezier patch editor written by Nate Miller. Lib3DS - 3D Studio Library http://lib3ds.sourceforge.net/ According to the site, "Lib3ds is a free alternative to Autodesk's 3DS File Toolkit for handling 3DS files. It's main goal is to simplify the creation of 3DS import and export filters. Simkin Scripting Language http://www.simkin.co.uk/ According to the site, "Simkin is a high-level lightweight embeddable scripting language which works with Java or C and XML." Simple DirectMedia Layer http://www.libsdl.org/ According to the site, "Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide fast access to the graphics framebuffer and audio device." Moppi Demopaja - Demo Tool http://moppi.inside.org/demopaja/ According to the site, "Moppi Demopaja is a demo authoring tool. It has a interface similar to the popular 2D animation tools such as Macromedia Flash and Adobe After Effects..." The OpenGUI Library http://www.tutok.sk/fastgl/ According to the site, "OpenGUI is a high-Level C/C graphics & windowing library built upon a fast, low-level x86 asm graphics kernel. It is under LGPL license." PortaLib3D - Utility Library http://rsn.gamedev.net/pl3d/default.asp A free 3D utility library. PathLib - Pathfinding Library http://pathlib.tsx.org According to the site, "The Pathlib is independent simple library (written in C) for searching optimal paths for objects in map." TinyPTC Graphics Library http://www.gaffer.org/tinyptc/ A small, fast, and simple graphics library. General Polygon Clipper Library http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~amurta/software/index.html Exactly what the link title says. Quadra - Open Source Puzzle Game http://quadra.sourceforge.net/ An open source "addictive action puzzle game." GLUI - User Interface Toolkit http://www.cs.unc.edu/~rademach/glui/ An OpenGL GUI toolkit, that mimics normal Windows' windows. QHull - Computing Convex Hulls http://www.geom.umn.edu/~bradb/qhull-news.html Here's a description from teh site: "Qhull is a general dimension code for computing convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, halfspace intersections about a point, Voronoi diagrams, furthest-site Delaunay triangulations, and furthest-site Voronoi diagrams." CodeGuide Java IDE http://www.omnicore.com/ Home of a Java IDE. GLE Tubing and Extrusion Library http://linas.org/gle/ According to the site, "The library consists of a number of "C" language subroutines for drawing tubing and extrusions." CodePlay - Home Of VectorC http://www.codeplay.com/ Home of VectorC, a C compiler for Windows. Hawk Software Home http://www.hawksoft.com/ Home of a few game programming-related open source projects, including a game engine and a network API. The Expression Toolkit http://expression.sourceforge.net/ Open source facial animation toolkit. Tile Studio Project http://www.cs.kun.nl/is/ts/ Described as "a complete development utility for tile-based games. The application contains a bitmap editor for creating tiles and sprites and a map editor for designing levels. " WorkspaceWhiz - Visual Studio Add-In http://workspacewhiz.com/ Here's a description from the site: "Workspace Whiz!, the successor of the Workspace Utilities, is a powerful Visual Studio add-in designed to improve developers' productivity by allowing quicker source navigation and coding. " GTC - The Game Tool Chest http://gtc.seul.org/ Described as "a C library for making networked 3d interactive applications." Computational Geometry Algorithms Library http://www.cgal.org/ Just what the title says... Autotrace - Bitmap To Vector Graphics http://homepages.go.com/~martweb/AutoTrace.htm A conversion tool project that goes from bitmap graphics to vector graphics. The Rocktools Project http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mstock/pages/rocktools.html According to the site, "Rocktools will eventually be a collection of various Unix tools with which to create and manipulate open or closed triangular meshes." GamesBasic - Open Source Game Language http://www.gamesbasic.com/old_index.html An open source game programming language, based around BASIC. Innovation3D - Linux 3D Modeler http://innovation3d.sourceforge.net/ Project page for a linux 3d modeler in development. 3D Soma Cube 1.0 http://fileforum.efront.com/detail.php3?fid=976106946 Beta version of a 3D puzzle game. Universe Image Creator http://www.diardsoftware.com/ Shareware utility for creating neat space images, flares, nebulae, etc. Alias25 Game Programming Library http://www.alias25.com/ Free game programming library, with examples. Open Source Project Manager http://projman.sourceforge.net/index.html An Open Source project management effort. PocketPC GAPI Emulator http://frogengine.net-connect.net/pocketpc/gapi_emu.html PocketPC GAPI Emulator project. 3D Computer Graphics Math Library http://sourceforge.net/projects/math3d/ According to the site, this library "Provides all the things you need all the time everywhere in a 3D Computer Graphics Project. Like 2d/3d/4d vectors, matrices, quaternions and a lot of other things." GLUTRAD Radiosity Preprocessor http://www.cix.co.uk/~colbeck/glutrad.htm Radiosity pre-processor which uses GLUT for visualization. OpenPTC Project Page http://www.gaffer.org/ptc/ Open source graphics library. 3D Studio File Format Library http://sourceforge.net/projects/lib3ds/ Described on the site as a "free alternative to Autodesk's 3DS File Toolkit for handling 3DS files It's main goal is to simplify the creation of 3DS import and export filters." G3D Borland SDK http://www.psychotrop.de/Genesis3D/index.htm Borland compatible version of the Genesis engine SDK. Disasteroids3D And Font Builder http://www.lmnopc.com Home of a free 3D OpenGL asteroids clone (with source code), as well as bitmap font building utility. FontTool (w/Source Code) http://www.fortunecity.co.uk/skyscraper/floating/699/index.html A free utility for generating font textures from true-type fonts. ImaginAuthor http://www.imaginon.com/content/products/imagin_author/index.html According to the site, "ImaginAuthor is a PC-based authoring tool for creating interactive TV entertainment and informational products. " Quake3 BSP Converter http://nate.scuzzy.net/tools/bspconv/ A small utility to export information from a Quake3 BSP file. Progressive Geometry Compression Software http://www.multires.caltech.edu/software/pgc/ Here's a description from the site: "This package is part of an implementation of "Progressive Geometry Compression" as described in Siggraph 2000 paper of the same name. It includes wavelet transform code, a zerotree coder, file conversion tools, and a mesh viewer which can progressively read encoded files." Resources For Non-Programmers http://www.ambrosine.com/resource.html This link has a collection of game-creation resources for non-programmers. Blender Animation Software http://www.blender.nl/help/faq/index.php According to the site, "Developed as the in-house software of a high quality animation studio", now with game support. OpenIL Image Library http://openil.sourceforge.net/ An open source image toolkit with support for many popular formats. alienbrain Game Project Management http://www.nxn-software.com/7.0/main.html This is a commercial package described on its web site as "a client/server solution for digital media management and team collaboration in computer game projects." Boundary Representation Library http://breplibrary.sourceforge.net/ Here's a description from this site: "Implementation of a topological data structure similar to the WINGED EDGE data structure, representing the boundary of a polyhedral solid. A core layer on top of which e.g. CSG operations or 3D model topology fixers can be implemented." Terraform Height Field Program http://terraform.sourceforge.net/ Allows you to generate and manipulate height fields, open-source for linux/unix. Flexporter 3DSMax Plugin http://www.codercorner.com/Flexporter.htm Described on the web site as "a free utility plug-in for 3D Studio MAX 3, designed to easily export a lot of information out of it." Stripe - Triangle Strip Tool http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~stripe/ Stripe is a utility that converts polygonal models into triangle strips for efficient rendering, or other purposes. SGL - A 3D Scene Graph Library http://sgl.sourceforge.net/ Here's an explanation from the SGL web site: "SGL consists of a set of cross-platform C libraries, built on top of OpenGL, which implements 3D scene graph functionality (sgl), some simple 3D model loaders (sgldb), and some miscellaneous utilities (sglu). A scene graph is a directed acyclic graph that organizes and stores all of the data needed to render a 3D scene." The GTS Library http://gts.sourceforge.net/ GTS, the GNU Triangulated Surface Library, is an open source (LGPL) project which provides a set of functions dealing with surfaces including triangulation, CSG operations, and triangle strip generation. wxWindows GUI Library http://www.wxwindows.org/ wxWindows is a free C framework for cross-platform GUI development. FreeImage Library http://home.wxs.nl/~flvdberg/ The FreeImage project is an open source image library which will support most of the popular formats. According to the web site: FreeImage is easy to use, fast, multithreading safe and compatible with all 32-bit versions of Windows, including Windows 2000. FreeImage allows you to change the bitmap's bits and palette-data using various functions too. DXWrapper (DXW) http://www.geocities.com/dxwrapper/ Here's a description from the web site: DXWrapper is a free GDK ( Game Development Kit ) which contains a set of classes which wrap DirectX's and Win32's functionality. It serves as a layer between your application and low level DirectX and Win32. The GLOW Toolkit http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~dazuma/glow/ GLOW is a cross-platform OpenGL toolkit for building interactive applications. Doxygen Documentation System http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/index.html Doxygen is a documentation generation system for C, C and IDL. It creates documentation text from a set of documented source files. DemoGL http://www.sd.nl/demogl/ Here's an explanation from their site: "Picture it as the execution-engine of all the different parts of a videoclip, a 3D presentation or a graphicsdemo." GLSetup http://www.glsetup.com/ GLSetup is a program that detects and downloads the proper OpenGL drivers for your 3D hardware. Here's a description from their web site: "GLSetup detects your 3D graphics card and installs the matching OpenGL drivers. Games supporting OpenGL will include GLSetup to ensure your system has drivers available to accelerate OpenGL 3D rendering." The Programming Language Lua http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/lua/ I believe Lua is best described on their web site. Here's a quote: "Lua is a programming language originally designed for extending applications, but also frequently used as a general-purpose, stand-alone language. Lua combines simple procedural syntax (similar to Pascal) with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics." Game Programming Toolchest http://gtc.seul.org/ The Game Programming Toolchest is library by Sebastien Loisel, with the source code available under the GNU LGPL agreement. The GTC aims to provide a "serious well crafted useful library which will stand the test of time." Ultimate Packer For Executables (UPX) http://wildsau.idv.uni-linz.ac.at/mfx/upx.html Summed up nicely from the web site: "UPX is a portable, extendable, high-performance executable packer for several different executable formats. It achieves an excellent compression ratio and offers very fast decompression. Your executables suffer no memory overhead or other drawbacks." Draw3D Modeler http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Stage/8513/Draw3D.html Draw3D is a 3D modeler that allows you to work directly in 3D space. The Visual Basic and NASM source code are available to download as well. G3D Modeler http://condor.stcloudstate.edu/~hebl9901/g3d/ This is a 3D modeller built specifically for building models for games. This means that you won't find all of the advanced features of commercial packages, but rather a simple design with features for making game models easier. I don't believe a Windows version is available. Mesh Maker Pro http://www.ameritech.net/users/pdkeller/page.htm MeshMaker Pro is a 3D model creation tool that allows you to work in 3D (using a 3D cursor). It can export in 3DS and X format, so compatibility shouldn't be much of a problem. Best of all, its freeware (at this time). MathEngine http://www.mathengine.com/ MathEngine is a powerful set of math and physics tools which can be used by game developers. The web site features sample games and toolkits for you to download and play with. GamesBasic http://www.gamesbasic.com/ GamesBasic is a free computer language and development package for creating computer games in Basic. It makes difficult tasks easier for beginners while preserving the ability to do advanced work for those who are more experienced. The project is well documented on the web site. GameCode http://sunsite.auc.dk/gamecode/ GameCode is cross-platform game development library for MacOS and Windows. It makes use of Direct X 6 for Windows and Game Sprockets for Mac. The project is well documented, so you can find out all the gooey details on their web site. ClanLib Game SDK http://www.clanlib.org/ The web site sums it up nicely: "ClanLib delivers a platform independent interface to write games with. If a game is written with ClanLib, it should be possible to compile the game under any platform (supported by ClanLib, that is) without changes in the application sourcecode." Steve's Portable Game Library (PLIB) http://www.woodsoup.org/projs/plib/ PLIB is a set of open source game programming tools to assist developers in creating realtime graphics for games. Its 100% portable and has tons of features, so give it a look. Virtools, The Behavioral Company http://www.virtools.com/ Offer a complete development package for interactive 3D environments. The utilities included with this software allow you to create and manipulate interactions within 3D worlds without worrying about the programming side of things. Morfit Development Tools http://www.morfit.com/ Morfit offer an excellent solution for independent developers looking to produce great games and even make a profit while doing it. They offer their development tools free of charge, the developers build the game, and then they insert advertising (in the scenery) before the product is released. Copyright 1998-2001 FLIPCODE.COM, INC. All Rights Reserved. Please read our Terms, Conditions, and Privacy information. This site is optimized for at least 1024x768 resolution (hi-color) viewing with a browser that supports style sheets. 時間就是金錢---[ 發問前請先找找舊文章]


#6 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-08-05 21:37:03 IP:61.70.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
版主 有哪些是bcb的站阿 我沒學vc阿 只怕全部是vc的 劉維翔


#7 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-08-06 09:40:54 IP:61.218.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
引言: 版主 有哪些是bcb的站阿 我沒學vc阿 只怕全部是vc的 劉維翔
以上絕大部分都是標準 C/C ,如果您把標準C/C 學的夠好,那相信您也看的懂其中的內容的!Visual C 與Borland C Builder都只是提供您編輯程式的環境,只要您寫出來的程式是標準的C/C 不論在哪一套Compiler都可以適用的! 要學好遊戲程式設計的方法: 1.請您先將標準C/C 及STL學好 2.學會如何CALL WIN32 API 3.學習如何使用DirectX及OpenGL 4.學習一些有關物理現象的運算方法 5.學習相相關演算法,如:最短路徑演算法..... 6.學習相關圖學運算方法. 以上如果您都有心學習,您將成為遊戲設計一代宗師,相關的資訊都在上面的Link中!加油吧! 順便給您看一篇 FantomCD(光碟魅影) 作者:蕭永哲先生的一篇文章 以下文章為轉貼: 資料來源: 源碼聯合論壇 http://bulletin.linuxshop.idv.tw/old/showthread.php?threadid=1107 給想學好 BCB 的新手們, 學 BCB 不是只會用拖拉點放, 把原件拉一拉, 事件設定設定就了事 該學的"基礎"才是最重要的!!! 舉凡 C/C 的語言基礎, Windows programming 的基本功夫都是必備的 若以上這兩項功夫沒有修練, 貿然使用任何一個 Windows 平台上的 C/C 開發工具 都難以成就氣候, 工欲善其事, 必先利其器, 舉凡 C Builder, Visual C 都是很好的開發工具, 但必須靠 C/C 的底子, Windows programming 的基本功才能發揮其公用 對於一個真正的程式員來說, 工具就是工具, C Builder 與 Visual C 的差異僅在於 VCL 與 MFC, 其他的就是選單的排列, 附屬工具, 畫面的差異罷了, 其基礎核心還是在於 C/C , Windows Programming. 若這兩個沒有兼備, 不管多好的工具做出來的東西都不過是個一般罷了. 我不敢說我是個好的程式員, 但我知道什麼工具可以節省掉我開發的時間, 我編寫基本測試程式時(不包含 UI, 通常都是 "純"C/C 的程式碼), 我會先用 Visual C 來著手, 因為 Visual C 的編輯器非常的順手, 甚至還有排版功能, 常常在參考他人源碼時可以用到, 至於開始進入實作期, 我會拿 C Builder 來完成 UI 的設計, 把介面搞定後, 把在 Visaul C 中開發出來的程式碼給移植進去, 由於是 "純"C/C 的源碼, 因此不會有編譯器移植上的困難. 由於使用 C Builder 來設計 UI 實在是一件很快樂的事情, 必須純手工打造的地方並不多, VCL 裡頭已經設備完善, 很多僅需要動一動 property 即可完成, (當然有時候遇到一些沒有幫你加入的 Windows Message, 得手動處理 Message Map 也在所難免, 但相信這一些並不會難倒熟悉 Windows programming 的程式員.) 我的程式大多是這樣完成的, 有時候為了檢驗自己的程式碼是否有所瑕疵, 常常還會動用到 gcc/microsoft c /borland c 等編譯器來進行編譯並檢驗(當然是純C/C 才有可能做這樣的測試) 常常看到網路上有人在問到底是 Visual C 好還是 C Builder 好, 這些問題的開始都是沒有了解到 Visual C 與 C Builder 不過是的語言編譯器與開發工具, 純粹論語言編譯器基本上沒有誰優誰劣的問題. 只要能把你寫的程式具體實現就是好的編譯器, 剩下來的不過是工具的使用, 對程式員來說, 用的順手的工具就是好工具, 非常主觀, 實在無法評論. 好的程式員應該善用工具, 而不是只會用一個工具, 若沒有熟悉工具就沒辦法進行程式的編寫, 那就不算個好的程式員. 熟悉 C/C 與 Windows porgramming 的程式員, 使用 MFC 或 VCL 的差異不過是熟悉度的問題, 但從沒用過到熟悉該 framework, C/C 的程式員的學習速度應該飛快, 因為那不過又是另一個 C/C 的 library 罷了, C/C 的使用方式, 語法了然於胸, 這時更顯現出基礎的重要性. 切記, 勿在沙上築高台, 大家共勉之!! __________________ Best regards Martin Hsiao Inside Out C Builder http://insidebcb.martinx.idv.tw Assault Command Post http://forum.martinx.idv.tw 時間就是金錢---[ 發問前請先找找舊文章]


#8 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-08-06 09:49:12 IP:61.218.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
這裡還有一篇    [技術文件] - C語言初學者的困惑 - 如何由dos向windows轉變     來源:非常Linux http://linux.tcpip.com.cn/ Sorry, 我找不到原作者是哪位了..請包含    很多人學C語言很長一段時間了,還不知C究竟能幹什麼,以為學習c語言沒什麼用,純粹是為了應付學校的考試.更有人說"學C語言?別做如此愚蠢的行為了!趕快學C++吧!"這種看法是不對的,不應該把c跟c++之間劃起絕對的界限,過分看重c++而把c貶得一無是處,這是很片面的.C++功能雖然強大,但它畢竟是c的"超集",在c++裡有哪一處找不到c的影子呢?沒有c的支援,c++只能是無本之木。     一般情況下,c++編程方式編寫的程序原始碼量小,但編譯後的程式量較大,運行的速度略低,不過開發時的工作量和工作難度較小;而c編程方式編寫的原始碼量較大,但可執行的效率高.如果一些對速度要求高,尤其是對硬件操作較多的程序,大多數還是用c編程方式開發的(用C又比用彙編簡單,易於實現).另外,學Win32 C程序設計還有助於更深入地瞭解Windows 的內幕和Win32 API。     任何的編程語言都是一種工具,學習語言的目是要使用它來編寫出實際需要的軟體來,而軟體作為一個用戶程序,運行時要依賴作業系統,大多數人使用什麼作業系統,我們就要編寫出基於哪一種平台上的程序來.這樣,軟體才會有更大的市場。     現在市面上出現的有關c語言方面的書大多是教授DOS下的c,上機實習也是在Turbo C 2.0(簡稱Tc)環境下轉來轉去.編程環境的單調總使人感到不爽.這也沒辦法,dos 下的c是最簡單的,初學者當然要從最簡單的入門啦.連比較有名的計算機專家譚浩強編的書也都是贊成從dos下的c學起的.再說,一個剛剛入門的人想在windows 這樣的多進程,多線程的作業系統下用c編程,那似乎又不太現實.(那要瞭解在windows下,一個win32程序大體上是怎樣執行的.要對系統有比較多的瞭解才行,一個初學者暫時還不具備那麼多的知識)但我們的腳步又不能夠只停留在dos裡,應該積極地從dos向windows轉變.在dos的時代,我們可以對dos下的編程迷戀,但現在都是windows橫行霸道的時代了,我們就應用c語言編寫windows平台上的程序,因時而變,學以致用.是時代使然!如果現在還是dos雄霸天下的話,那我就不會寫這篇狗屁不通的文章來遺笑大方了,不被臭雞蛋扔死才怪呢!     "變法"是大勢所趨的了,關鍵是怎麼變,不單單是學習c語言的人如此,就連學c++的人都這樣,筆者曾經在QQ上碰到一個學了c++將近一年的小伙,居然問我,他想編一個windows窗口,該怎麼下手,如果學一門語言用了一年時間,只是學了一點語法知識,卻沒有編過一道程序,那實在是一種悲哀.下面我談談從dos向windows轉變的一些個人見解,(這純屬個人觀點,僅供參考,如果您已是高手,完全不必要在此浪費時間):     一.拓寬視野,改變偏見     別老以為c只是dos特有的東西,一提到c語言就認為c只能在dos下編程.其實,這是被tc束縛了意識,我們在學校裡平時就只在dos的tc裡面用c編程,很少用到"圖形模式",整天面對?quot;烏黑黑"的屏幕,也難怪有些人一看到一個用c語言描繪出來的像windows的窗口便以為是c++的手筆.其實,作為一種語言,可以在任何一種平台上編程,只是接口不同而已,只要找到適合該平台的編程工具即可,c語言當然也能在windows下大放異彩.眼界放寬點,改變偏見,必有精彩發現.    二.選擇優秀的編程工具.     「有好的工具,做起事來就事半功倍」.在dos下我們常用tc或bc(borland c).在windows下可以用c++builder 或者visual c++ 來編程,最好用visual c++ 畢竟是微軟的東西嘛!微軟一天不垮台,編程者的飯碗就不會掉的啦 ^_^ .再說,windows作業系統是微軟出的,其內幕微軟是最清楚不過的了,在應用程序接口上,相信vc也是做得最好的.不過用vc++6來編c程序會恨煩的,大家要有心理準備.同時可以選擇多種編程工具,例如彙編,可以加強對windows的瞭解,是成為高手的好方法。     三.加強對windows的瞭解.     可以說編一個程序,就是用一種語言的語法形式將資料結構和表面的執行過程描述出來.在不同的作業系統下,其程序的執行過程是不同的.我們應該對windows的系統機制最起碼有個大體的瞭解,才有可能編寫windows的程序.dos是單進程單線程的系統,進程從頭到尾的順序執行,而windows是多進程、多線程的作業系統,是基於事件的,消息驅動的作業系統.明白這些是在windows下編程必不可少的,多學學它,你會發現windows 和 dos有很多的不同之處。     四.採取靈活多變的學習方法.     在不同的時期,學習不同的東西?可是有些人學習像word,excel這類操作性極強的辦公軟體時,總是先看書,看到尾巴忘了頭,到上機時卻不知所措.這種學習方式是被動的,看這些軟體操作的書,裡面說的都是具體的操作,不親手又怎能接受新知識?     五.多進行比較.     dos和windows有許多共同和不同的地方,如果是從dos學過來的話,在學習過程中不妨多進行比較,把不同的地方記下,相同的地方可以跳過,這可以快速地瞭解系統的不同之處,迅速地學到東西!     學習程序設計,我主張"實踐->理論->再實踐"的方式,在編程的初期,不管你會不會寫程序,都應先實踐,(這裡的實踐是指編程工具操作方面的實踐),學會操作編程工具.也許有些人會說:"廢話!沒有理論,又怎麼實踐?"不錯,當你坐在一台電腦面前不知所措時,你就會想方設法使自己學會操作它,主動看書,看聯機幫助,請教別人,忙得個"不亦樂乎",這不是變"被動"為"主動"了嗎? 邊學習邊操作,以實踐來帶動理論的學習,接著達到"理論與實踐同步",就可闖過第一關,學會了編程工具的基本操作,可以為以後上機實踐打下舖墊.     光學會操作像vc這類的工具還不行,工具是死的,人才是活的,不會編程只能是空操作,你還會說:"廢話!沒有理論,怎麼實踐?"的,這時就要學習編程的真功夫了,也就是我說的第二階段--學"理論"階段,深入研究前輩們的著作,吸取前人的智慧精華為我所用,扎扎實實打好編程內功,功夫到家了就應該"再實踐",將學到的東西運用於實際,編寫出我們需要的軟體來.學以致用嘛,呵呵~~這種方式總比"先學好語法的條條框框,再上機實踐"的效果好得多啦.     關於向windows轉變的個人觀點就只談這些,希望初學者早日踏上windows的光明大道!由於我也是一個菜鳥,水平有限,寫得不好,還請各位多多包涵!         時間就是金錢---[ 發問前請先找找舊文章]


#9 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-08-06 13:46:45 IP:61.70.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
恩恩 STL是什麼東西阿 劉維翔


#10 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-08-06 14:54:49 IP:61.70.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
那麼我不學vc的話 bcb應該可以開發系統工具和網路工具了吧 劉維翔


#11 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-08-06 17:04:33 IP:61.218.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
引言: 那麼我不學vc的話 bcb應該可以開發系統工具和網路工具了吧 劉維翔
1. STL就是 Standard Template Library的意思 2. 當然可以開發系統工具及網路工具啦 3. BCB有許多網路元件及系統元件可用喔! 善用www.google.com及www.openfind.com兩大搜尋引擎,您想要什麼資料應該都可以找的到的! ________________________________________________________________________ 時間就是金錢---[ 發問前請先找找舊文章]


#12 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-08-06 22:30:47 IP:61.70.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
恩恩 STL 有多重要呢 能舉個例子嗎 劉維翔


#13 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-08-07 09:39:37 IP:61.218.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
引言: 恩恩 STL 有多重要呢 能舉個例子嗎 劉維翔
STL含括的很廣闊,在這說不太清楚,因此先推薦您去看這幾本書 這裡有一些STL線上資源,可以去看一看!有關STL的詳述非常清楚喔! SGI的STL http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/ Standard Template Library Reference (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) http://www.cs.rpi.edu/projects/STL/htdocs/stl.html C Programming Language Tutorials,相當進階的 C 線上教科書 http://siesta.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/C / ________________________________________________________________________ 時間就是金錢---[ 發問前請先找找舊文章]


#14 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-08-07 14:11:53 IP:61.70.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
可是原文書很貴耶 但是 英文我的能力又不像大學生一樣 劉維翔
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