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Make your app speak. - by Borland Developer Support Staff Technical Information Database TI2846C.txt Make your app speak. Category :Windows API Platform :Win95/NT Product : C Builder1.0 C Builder3.x Description: This TI demonstrates how to make your CBuilder application "talk" by loading and playing a wave file four different ways: 1) Use the PlaySound() function to directly play a wave file. 2) Read the wave file into memory, then use the PlaySound() to play the wave file 3) Use PlaySound to directly play a wave file thats embedded in a resource file attached to your application. 4) Read a wave file thats embedded in a resource file attached to your application into memory, then use the PlaySound() to play the wave file. Reference: To build the project you will need to: 1) Create a wave file called 'mail.wav' in the project's directory. 2) Create a text file called 'wave.rc' in the project's directory. 3) Add the following line to the file 'wav.rc': MAIL WAVE mail.wav 4) Use the project manager to add 'wav.rc' to to the project. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::FromFileClick(TObject *Sender) { PlaySound("mail.wav", NULL, SND_FILENAME); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::FromFileMemoryClick(TObject *Sender) { TFileStream *WaveFile = new TFileStream("mail.wav", fmOpenRead); BYTE *wavemem = new BYTE[WaveFile->Size 1]; WaveFile->Read(wavemem, WaveFile->Size); PlaySound(wavemem, NULL, SND_MEMORY); delete[] wavemem; delete WaveFile; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::FromResourceClick(TObject *Sender) { PlaySound("MAIL", HInstance, SND_RESOURCE); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::FromResourceMemoryClick(TObject *Sender) { HANDLE ResHandle; BYTE *WavData; ResHandle = FindResource(HInstance, "MAIL", "WAVE"); ResHandle = LoadResource(HInstance, ResHandle); WavData = (unsigned char *)LockResource(ResHandle); PlaySound(WavData, NULL, SND_MEMORY); FreeResource(ResHandle); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/30/99 aaronks2002註:以上方式若長時間播放,會遇到在播音時,偶爾發生延遲的現象。(win98se)
系統時間:2024-07-02 7:41:55
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