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php3中沒有session的功能,以下是一個php4的backport,能?php3提供session    file: sessions.php3 ----------------------------------------------------- <? /********************************************************************* ******** *  * * Web Application Development with PHP  * * by  * * Tobias Ratschiller and Till Gerken  * *  * * Copyright (c) 2000, New Riders Publishing  * *  * ********************************************************************* ******** *  * * $Title: PHP 3 implementation of PHP 4's session management API $  * * $Chapter: Web Application Concepts $  * * $Executable: false $  *  *  * * $Description:  * * This is a backport of the PHP 4 session_* functions to native PHP - so *  * that you can use the same session management functions under both  * * versions of PHP. They're believed to be about 75% compatible at the *  * moment, but it's already possible to use the most common stuff. $  * *  * ********************************************************************* ********/    /* * Differences from PHP 4: * - no URL rewriting (of course) * - options aren't specified in the php.ini but in the session c lass below * - auto_start doesn't work with user callbacks * - the session ID is produced by a different algorithm * - shared memory support is still missing  * - <?=SID?> doesn't work - use <?print($SID);?> * - the WDDX serializer doesn't work yet. * - serializing objects is limited due to PHP 3's serializer() * * Notes: * The session class contains the configuration variables. Th is is the * only part of the code you should need to edit. * * To reproduce the module concept used in PHP 4's session li brary, we * use classes. An example class has been been provided: file s. You can * easily create your own classes, for example a class mysql  to store * session data to MySQL. It needs to provide the following f unctions: * bool open(string save_path, string sess_name): * used on startup of a session to initialize variables o r memory * returns false on error or true on success * bool close: * used on shutdown of a session to unset variables or fr ee memory  * mixed read(string sess_id): * reads the session data of the session identified with  sess_id. * returns false on error or the serialized session data    * bool write(string sess_id, string val): * saves the session data of the session identified with  sess_id * returns false on error or true on success * bool destroy(string sess_id): * destroy the session identified with sess_id * returns false on error or true on success * bool gc(int max_lifetime): * provides garbage collection to remove sessions older t han  * time() - max_lifetime * returns false on error or true on success *  * While it may be faster to provide your own class, the reco mmended way * to add storage modules is to use session_set_save_handler( ), as this * is compatible to PHP 4. */    $SID = ""; class session { // Public variables var $auto_start = true; var $save_path = "/tmp"; var $name = "PHPSESSID";  var $save_handler = "files"; var $lifetime = 0; var $gc_probability = 1; var $gc_maxlifetime = 0; var $serialize_handler = "php"; var $extern_referer_check = false;  var $use_cookies = true; var $ID;     // Private variables var $nr_open_sessions = 0; var $mod_name = ""; var $id; var $delimiter = "\n"; var $delimiter_value = "[==]";    function session() { $this->mod_name = $this->save_handler; } }    class user { var $open_func; var $close_func; var $read_func; var $write_func; var $destroy_func; var $gc_func;    function open($save_path, $sess_name) { $func = $this->open_func; if(function_exists($func)) { return($func($save_path, $sess_name)); }    return(true); }     function close($save_path, $sess_name) { $func = $this->close_func; if(function_exists($func)) {  return($func()); }    return(true); }     function read($sess_id) { $func = $this->read_func;    return($func($sess_id)); }     function write($sess_id, $val) { $func = $this->write_func;    return($func($sess_id, $val)); }     function destroy($sess_id) { $func = $this->destroy_func; if(function_exists($func)) {  return($func($sess_id)); }    return(true); }     function gc($max_lifteime) { $func = $this->gc_func; if(function_exists($func)) {  return($func($max_lifetime)); }    return(true); }     }    class files { function open($save_path, $sess_name) { return(true); }    function close() { return(true);  }    function read($sess_id) { global $session;    // Open, read in, close file with session data $file = $session->save_path."/sess$sess_id"; if (!file_exists($file)) { // Create it touch($file); } $fp = fopen($file, "r") or die("Could not open session file ($ file)."); $val = fread($fp, filesize($file)); fclose($fp);    return($val); }    function write($sess_id, $val) { global $session;    // Open, write to, close file with session data $file = $session->save_path."/sess$sess_id"; $fp = fopen($file, "w") or die("Could not write session file ( $file)"); $val = fputs($fp, $val); fclose($fp);    return(true); }    function destroy($sess_id) { global $session;    $file = $session->save_path."/sess$sess_id"; unlink($file);    return(true);  }    function gc($max_lifetime) { // We return true, since all cleanup should be handled by // an external entity (i.e. find -ctime x | xargs rm) return(true);  }  }    function _session_create_id() { return(md5(uniqid(microtime()))); }    function _php_encode() { global $session;    $ret = ""; // Create a string containing the serialized variables for ($i=0; $ivars); $i ) { $ret .= $session->vars[$i].$session->delimiter_value.serialize ($GLOBALS[$session->vars[$i}).$session->delimiter; } return($ret); } function _php_decode($data) { global $session; $data = trim($data); $vars = explode($session->delimiter, $data); // Add the variables to the global namespace for ($i=0; $idelimiter_value, $vars[$i]); $name = trim($tmp[0]); $value = trim($tmp[1]); $GLOBALS[$name] = unserialize($value); } } function _wddx_encode($data) { global $session; $ret = wddx_serialize_vars($session->vars); return($ret); } function _wddx_decode($data) { return(wddx_deserialize($data)); } function session_name($name = "") { global $session; if(empty($name)) { return($session->name); } $session->name = $name; } function session_set_save_handler($open, $close, $read, $write, $destr oy, $gc) { global $session, $user; $user = new user; $user->open_func = $open; $user->close_func = $close; $user->read_func = $read; $user->write_func = $write; $user->destroy_func = $destroy; $user->gc_func = $gc; $session->mod_name = "user"; } function session_module_name($name = "") { global $session; if(empty($name)) { return($session->mod_name); } $session->mod_name = $name; } function session_save_path($path = "") { global $session; if(empty($path)) { return($session->save_path); } $session->save_path = $path; } function session_id($id = "") { global $session; if(empty($id)) { return($session->id); } $session->id = $id; } function session_register($var) { global $session; if ($session->nr_open_sessions == 0) { session_start(); } $session->vars[] = trim($var); } function session_unregister($var) { global $session; for ($i=0; $ivars); $i ) { if ($session->vars[$i] == trim($var)) { unset($session->vars[$i]); break; } } } function session_is_registered($var) { global $session; for ($i=0; $ivars); $i ) { if ($session->vars[$i] == trim($var)) { return(true); } } return(false); } function session_encode() { global $session; $serializer = "_".$session->serialize_handler."_encode"; $ret = $serializer(); return($ret); } function session_decode($data) { global $session; $serializer = "_".$session->serialize_handler."_decode"; $ret = $serializer($data); return($ret); } function session_start() { global $session, $SID, $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS; // Define the global variable $SID? $define_sid = true; // Check if session_start() has been called once already if ($session->nr_open_sessions != 0) { return(false); } // Try to get the session ID if (empty($GLOBALS[$session->name])) { // Maybe it is encoded into the URL (form =? eregi($session->name."=([^/] )", $GLOBALS["REQUEST_URI"], $reg s); $regs[1] = trim($regs[1]); if (!empty($regs[1])) { $session->id = $regs[1]; } } else { $session->id = $GLOBALS[$session->name]; if (isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$session->name])) { $define_sid = false; } } // Check for external referer if ($session->extern_referer_check) { $url = parse_url($GLOBALS["HTTP_REFERER"]); if(trim($url["host"]) != $GLOBALS["SERVER_NAME"]) { unset($session->id); $define_sid = true; } } $mod = $GLOBALS[$session->mod_name]; // Do we have an existing session ID? if (!empty($session->id)) { // Start session if (!$mod->open($session->save_path, $session->name)) { die("Failed to initialize session module."); } // Read session data if ($val = $mod->read($session->id)) { // Decode session data session_decode($val); } } else { // Create new session ID $session->id = _session_create_id(); // Store cookie with this session ID? if ($session>use_cookies) { SetCookie($session->name, $session->id, $session->lifetime ); } } // Check if we should clean up (call the garbage collection routin es) if ($session->gc_probability > 0) { srand(time()); $randmax = getrandmax(); $nrand = (int)(100 * rand() / $randmax); if($nrand < $session->gc_probability) { $mod->gc($session->gc_maxlifetime); } } if($define_sid) { $SID = $session->name."=".$session->id; } $session->nr_open_sessions ; return(true); } function session_destroy() { global $session; if($session->nr_open_sessions == 0) { return(false); } // Destroy session $mod = $GLOBALS[$session->mod_name]; if (!$mod->destroy($session->name)) { return(false); } unset($session); $session = new session; return(true); } function session_close() { global $session, $SID; if($session->nr_open_sessions == 0) { return(false); } // Encode session $val = session_encode(); $len = strlen($val); // Save session $mod = $GLOBALS[$session->mod_name]; if (!$mod->write($session->id, $val)) { die("Session could not be saved."); } // Close session if (function_exists($session->mod_name."->close") &&!$mod->close() ) { die("Session could not be closed."); } $SID = ""; $session->nr_open_sessions--; return(true); } $session = new session; $mod = $session->save_handler; $$mod = new $mod; if ($session->auto_start) { $ret = session_start() or die("Session could not be started."); } register_shutdown_function("session_close"); /* * Basic Example * * This basic example shows the normal use. The code is the same as in * PHP 4, except for the require("sessions.php3"); require("sessions.php3"); session_start(); print("Our session ID is: ".session_id()." "); print("The counter value is: $counter "); print("The foo value is: $foo "); $counter ; $foo = "Foobar=Fobar"; session_register("counter"); session_register("foo"); * */ /* * User Callback Example * * This example uses callback functions. It's a slightly modified version * of Sascha Schumann's original test script for the callbacks. 1 00% * the same code as in PHP 4 (except for the require(), of course ). require("sessions.php3"); function my_open($save_path, $sess_name) { echo $save_path." "; echo $sess_name." "; return true; } function my_read($sess_id) { echo $sess_id." "; return true; } function my_write($sess_id, $val) { echo $val." "; return true; } $foo = 10; session_set_save_handler("my_open", "", "my_read", "my_write", "", "") ; session_start(); session_register("foo"); echo "foo: $foo"; * */ ?>
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